Discover the Wildlife of Yellowstone National Park

Welcome to the exciting world of Yellowstone National Park, one of the most beloved tourist destinations in the United States. While the park is famous for its geysers and stunning landscapes, the wildlife of Yellowstone is equally awe-inspiring. Fortunately, visitors to West Yellowstone can enjoy a more intimate wildlife experience without the crowds at the Grizzly and Wolf Discovery Center. Let’s dive into the diverse range of animal species that call Yellowstone home and learn how to spot them!

Bison Calf of Yellowstone

Best Time of Year to See Wildlife in Yellowstone

If you’re eager to witness the park’s vibrant wildlife, the best time to visit Yellowstone is during the spring, particularly in May and early June. This is when bears emerge from hibernation, and bison, moose, and deer calves are born. During this time, you can witness wolf packs hunting and have more chances of spotting grizzly bears.

Summers, however, may not be as ideal for wildlife viewing, as animals tend to migrate to higher elevations to escape the heat. But as fall sets in, the rut begins, marking the end of summer. This is when male elk bulls engage in thrilling battles for breeding rights, providing an incredible spectacle.

Winter is also a fantastic season to see bison and elk, especially when the Lamar Valley wolves grace the snow-covered landscapes. For the best wildlife viewing experience, head out during the cooler early morning and evening hours. Remember to bring binoculars or spotting scopes, as you should never approach wildlife too closely. Stay at least 25 yards away from bison, elk, and other wildlife, and maintain a minimum distance of 100 yards from bears and wolves.

Bears of Yellowstone

Mammals of Yellowstone


Both grizzly bears and black bears can be found in Yellowstone. Grizzlies are larger, with a distinctive hump of muscle on their shoulders for digging. They have rounded ears and dish-shaped faces. Black bears, on the other hand, have longer snouts, straighter lines between the forehead and nose, and more pointed ears. Grizzlies are commonly found in Hayden and Lamar Valleys, while black bears inhabit the Tower and Mammoth areas. Bears are powerful animals and can be dangerous if they feel threatened, especially when accompanied by cubs.

American Bison

American bison, also known as buffalo, are the largest grazing mammals in Yellowstone. They roam the grasslands, meadows, foothills, and forested plateaus. Adult bulls can weigh up to a whopping 1,800 pounds, while females average around 1,300 pounds. With a height of about six feet at the shoulder, they can move surprisingly fast when threatened. Bison breed from mid-July to mid-August and give birth to calves in April and May. These nomadic grazers wander high on Yellowstone’s grassy plateaus in summer and use their large heads to push aside snow and find food in winter. Bison have an average lifespan of 20-25 years in the wild.

FAQ: What’s the difference between bison vs buffalo?

Bison are actually a subspecies of buffalo, but they are often confused. Bison are native to North America, while buffalo are found in Africa and Asia. Bison are also larger than buffalo.


Coyotes are intelligent and agile animals abundant in Yellowstone. Weighing about 30 pounds, they can live for up to 6 years. Coyotes are vocal creatures, frequently heard at dusk and dawn. They can be found in grasslands, meadows, and fields. As opportunistic predators, they primarily hunt small mammals but can take down larger prey when in a pack. With the reintroduction of wolves in Yellowstone, coyote populations have decreased as they compete with the larger canids. Coyotes can also become accustomed to human presence and food, leading to potential danger for both humans and coyotes.

Wolves of Yellowstone


Wolves are highly social animals that live in packs and communicate through barks, whines, growls, and howls. Yellowstone is home to nearly 100 wolves, with the most significant packs being Slough Creek, Yellowstone Delta, and Leopold. These majestic creatures mainly hunt elk but have had to re-learn how to hunt bison due to their size. Wolves in Yellowstone can live up to 10 years in the wild, although the typical lifespan ranges between 6 and 8 years.

Bighorn Sheep

Bighorn sheep are large, hoofed mammals mainly found in small, fragmented populations across the Rocky Mountains. They have distinct curved horns on the males, which can weigh up to 30 pounds. Bighorn sheep live in herds and compete for females by head-butting during the fall. Lambs can walk and climb within a day of being born. Unfortunately, their numbers have been reduced due to hunting and disease. In the wild, they typically live 10-15 years.


Elk, also known as wapiti, are the most abundant large mammals in Yellowstone. They have shared the park with humans for more than a millennium. Bulls can weigh over 700 pounds, while cows average 500-525 pounds. During the fall mating season or rut, bulls gather 20-30 cows in their harem and engage in antlered battles with other mature males. Calves weighing 25-40 pounds are usually born in late May or early June. Elk live for about 15 years in the wild, shedding their antlers in March or April and regrowing them in May.


Moose are the largest members of the deer family, weighing 1300-1700 pounds. With their distinct bell-shaped throat flap and ability to close their nostrils underwater, they thrive in deep snow and marshy areas. Moose feed on an average of 26 pounds of food per day and are commonly found near bodies of water. They are solitary creatures, except during breeding and raising their young. Moose typically hang out alone or in small family groups.

Wild Cats of Yellowstone

Three types of wild cats inhabit Yellowstone: the lynx, the bobcat, and the cougar. The lynx is shy and lives in forests and dense brush. It has long legs and large feet with fur between its toes, aiding in movement through deep snow. Bobcats, roughly twice the size of house cats, are solitary and nocturnal hunters known for their vocalizations. Cougars, also known as mountain lions or pumas, are the largest members of the cat family in the United States, weighing up to 200 pounds. These wild cats prefer rocky terrain and wooded areas.


Beavers are considered keystone species, playing a vital role in creating and maintaining habitats. They are active in the morning and evening hours and have a diet consisting of willow, aspen, cottonwood, and underwater plants. Beavers live in family groups called colonies, constructing dens and dams from wood. They thrive near rivers and streams.


The deer family encompasses mule deer and white-tailed deer. Mule deer are more common in Yellowstone, found in forests, grasslands, and shrublands. White-tailed deer, on the other hand, are prevalent in the central and northern Great Plains. Both species have hooves and antlers, varying based on gender and species. They live an average of 10 to 15 years in the wild.

Birds of Yellowstone

Birds of Yellowstone

Bald Eagles

Bald eagles can be found in the Hayden Valley and Madison River areas, as well as Yellowstone Lake during the summer. Standing about 4 feet tall, they have gray and rusty brown feathers, along with a distinctive red patch on their forehead. These magnificent birds forage in open grassland areas. They migrate to Yellowstone in spring and leave in fall. Bald eagles are not picky eaters, consuming fish, small birds, rodents, and even carrion. They construct large stick nests in trees or on pinnacles close to the water and lay two to three eggs between May and June.


Ospreys migrate to Yellowstone in spring to hunt fish and build their nests. They lay two to three eggs in May or June, and the fledglings have a speckled appearance from light edges on their feathers. Throughout summer and fall, the young ospreys learn to fly and hunt. As fall arrives, they begin their journey south to warmer climates. The ospreys return to Yellowstone in spring to repeat the cycle.

Mountain Chickadees

Mountain chickadees are common songbirds in the western mountains of North America. They communicate through various calls, including the famous “chick-a-dee, dee, dee.” These resilient birds survive the winter in Yellowstone by caching food. Small in size, they have brown, gray, and white feathers. During summer, they sing a sweet, trilling song. Mountain chickadees are social creatures, often forming flocks with other small birds. They feed on plants, insects, and small fruits, using their strong wings for quick flights between trees.

Sandhill Cranes

Standing about 4 feet tall, sandhill cranes have gray and rusty brown feathers and a distinctive red patch on their forehead. They forage in open grassland areas and nest in large numbers in Yellowstone during the summer. These expert foragers feed on small insects, amphibians, and plant matter. Sandhill cranes have large wingspans, allowing them to endure long migratory journeys typically done in pairs. They are also known to be social and occasionally gather in flocks of hundreds of birds.

Where to See Wildlife in Yellowstone

Yellowstone offers numerous opportunities to view its captivating wildlife. Here are some prime locations:

The Tower-Roosevelt Area

Located in the northeastern corner of the park, the Tower-Roosevelt area is less than an hour from West Yellowstone and near Lamar Valley. This region features sheer cliffs, rock formations, and basalt cliffs, providing an ideal habitat for sure-footed mammals like bighorn sheep and deer. Birdwatchers will delight in spotting birds of prey such as osprey, falcons, and hawks. Keep your eyes peeled for black and grizzly bears, wolves, bison, elk, and more.

Hayden Valley

A wildlife tour in Hayden Valley promises a diverse array of unique sightings. The vast herds of bison and elk often graze in the valley, accompanied by pronghorn skipping through the grasslands. Moose can occasionally be found in riparian areas, while black and grizzly bears are commonly spotted. Wolves roam the Hayden Valley, making it an ideal spot to view these remarkable predators. For the best chances of spotting wildlife, arrive in the early morning or late evening. Don’t forget to visit the Fishing Bridge, a great spot for picnicking and bird watching.

Lamar Valley

Nicknamed “America’s Serengeti,” Lamar Valley is located in the northeastern corner of Yellowstone, about 2 hours from West Yellowstone. As a magnificent wildlife paradise, it hosts an abundance of megafauna. Large herds of bison, elk, and pronghorn roam the vast grasslands, while black and grizzly bears, wolves, coyotes, red foxes, mountain lions, and bobcats serve as predators in this incredible ecosystem. Lamar Valley offers breathtaking views of its grasslands and ephemeral pools and is accessible year-round, making it a popular destination for wildlife tours.

Geyser Basins

The geyser basins of Yellowstone are not only renowned for their geothermal features but also for the wildlife they harbor. Mammoth Hot Springs, West Thumb Geyser Basin, Midway Geyser Basin, Norris Geyser Basin, and Upper Geyser Basin are among the major basins you must explore. The hydrothermal basins near Old Faithful provide overwintering habitats for bison and elk during the cold months. Keep an eye out for ospreys, black and grizzly bears in spring, and other captivating wildlife. Biscuit Basin, Boiling River Hot Springs, and the Grand Canyon of Yellowstone are also worth exploring for stunning geology and more wildlife spotting opportunities.

Photography in Yellowstone

FAQs about Yellowstone’s Wildlife

Which Part of Yellowstone Has the Most Wildlife?

Lamar Valley is undoubtedly the most wildlife-rich area in Yellowstone. Its wide-open meadows and vast grasslands provide an ideal habitat for bison, elk, bears, moose, wolves, bighorn sheep, and many other species of animals. Additionally, Lamar Valley offers some of the most breathtaking scenery in the park, making it the perfect place to witness North America’s mesmerizing megafauna in their natural habitat.

Best Time to Visit Yellowstone for Wildlife?

The best time to visit Yellowstone for wildlife depends on your interests. Spring, from late April to early June, is ideal for spotting adorable babies like bison calves, fox kits, and bear cubs. Late September through early October is the prime window for hearing the haunting bugle of a bull elk or observing magnificent bull elks firsthand. Winter offers a unique opportunity to spot wildlife against the white landscape and witness wolves on the hunt. Remember, wildlife is most active at dawn and dusk, so those are the best times for spotting them.

Gear for Wildlife Viewing in Yellowstone?

To safely watch wildlife in Yellowstone, it is essential to bring bear spray, which should be carried at all times and used with caution. Binoculars and spotting scopes are also useful for both hiking and roadside viewing, providing a powerful view of the landscape. If you’re keen on capturing amazing wildlife photos, a telephoto lens of at least 400mm is recommended. Additionally, taking tours, researching the best wildlife viewing locations, and understanding the time of year you plan to visit will enhance your chances of witnessing the animals you hope to encounter. Always remember the mandatory distance rules and never approach a wild animal.

Safety for Wildlife Viewing?

When viewing wildlife in Yellowstone, it is important to take safety precautions to protect both yourself and the animals. Always remain at least 100 yards away from bears and wolves, and at least 25 yards away from bison, elk, and all other animals. If an animal approaches you, back away slowly to maintain a safe distance. When hiking in bear country, it is best to hike with at least three other people and carry bear spray. When watching wildlife from the road, make sure to use designated pullout areas and avoid stopping in the middle of the road. Remember that all animals in Yellowstone are wild and can be dangerous, so treat them with respect.

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