Learn About Animals Starting with ‘H’ for Kids

Our planet is full of fascinating creatures, both familiar and exotic. While we often encounter common animals like cats, dogs, and rats, there are many others that can only be found in the wilderness or the depths of the ocean. It’s important to teach our children about the diversity of animal life and expand their vocabulary.

In this article, we will explore animal names beginning with the letter ‘H’ in English. Share these names with your little ones and help them discover new animals to add to their growing knowledge.

List of Common Animals That Start With ‘H’ for Kids

Animal Names Starting With

Learning all the ‘H’ letter animal names can be overwhelming for children. To make it easier, we have compiled a list of common animals that start with ‘H’ along with pictures.

1. Hamster

Hamsters have stubby legs with widely-spaced feet and small ears. They come in various colors such as grey, black, yellow, white, red, brown, and golden. Hamsters typically measure 2-6 inches in length and weigh around 6.2 oz.

2. Hare

Similar to rabbits, hares are small furry animals with long ears, long hind legs, big eyes, and stout bodies. However, unlike rabbits, hares prefer to live above the ground. They can leap up to 10 feet in the air and reach a consistent speed of 30 mph.

3. Hedgehog

Hedgehogs are known for their stiff and sharp spines that cover their coat. When they feel threatened, they curl up into a ball, extending their spines as a form of defense.

4. Hippopotamus

Hippos are large semi-aquatic mammals found in Africa. Their eyes, noses, and ears are located on the top of their heads. Surprisingly, these hefty animals can run as fast as 30 mph.

5. Horse

Horses are domesticated hoofed mammals with long tails, short hair, slender legs, muscular bodies, long necks, and large heads.

6. Horn Shark

Horn sharks have blunt heads, curved snouts, and sharp spines. These marine animals possess ridges above their eyes that resemble horns.

7. Harp Seal

Also known as Saddleback Seal or Greenland Seal, the harp seal is a species of earless seal native to the northernmost Atlantic Ocean and the Arctic Ocean. They have light grey fur with a black mask on their face.

8. Hyena

Hyenas have large heads, long and thick muscular necks, and powerful jaws. Their front legs are longer than their back legs, giving them a profile similar to that of a wildebeest or bison.

9. Herring

Herring is a long silverfish that swims in large groups in the sea. It is commonly used as food.

10. Honey Badger

Honey badgers have flattened bodies, short and strong legs, and long claws on their front feet for digging and defense.

Other Animals With the Letter ‘H’

Here are a few more animal names starting with the letter ‘H’ that you can share with your child:

  • Hammerhead
  • Hermit Crab
  • Haddock
  • Horseshoe Crab
  • Habu Snake
  • Hagfish
  • Hairy Frogfish
  • Harbour Seal
  • Hardhead Catfish
  • Hellbender

Teaching your kids the names of animals starting with ‘H’ will not only expand their vocabulary but also enhance their general knowledge and awareness of the animal kingdom. Encourage them to spot these animals during nature trips, safaris, or while reading picture books or watching movies.

For more exciting articles about pets and animals, visit Hot Pets News – Pets and Animals.


Coming Soon


Now you have a fantastic list of animals starting with the letter ‘H’! With this knowledge, you can engage your child in fun and educational activities, helping them develop a deep appreciation for the wonders of the animal world. So go ahead, explore, and unleash your curiosity!