The Vanishing Species: A Tribute to the Lost Creatures of 2022

Imagine a world where majestic oak trees, ancient fish, and vibrant orchids no longer exist. A world where the delicate harmony of nature is disrupted, and countless species fade away, never to be seen again. Unfortunately, this is our reality. In 2022, scientists announced the heartbreaking news of the extinction of numerous species. It’s time to remember their names, honor their existence, and learn from their plight.

The Grim Reality of Extinction

In the vast realm of wildlife conservation, it’s not uncommon to witness astonishing rediscoveries that give us hope. For instance, just last year, scientists stumbled upon a lone oak tree in Big Bend National Park, Texas, believed to have been extinct. However, this glimmer of hope quickly faded as experts noted the tree’s fragile state, burned by fire and infected with a fungal disease. This incident serves as a reminder that even species thought to have escaped the grips of extinction still require urgent conservation efforts.

Sadly, the story doesn’t end there. More than half of the known endangered species face human-induced extinction if targeted recovery measures are not undertaken. Despite sporadic rediscoveries, the world is losing biodiversity at an alarming rate. In 2022 alone, scientists gave up hope of finding dozens of species, including two frogs, a colossal fish, a Florida orchid, and a New Hampshire grass, among many others.

The Dark Extinction: Species Lost Without Ever Being Known

Now, brace yourself for a chilling thought: “dark extinction.” This term refers to the loss of species that science has never even identified as existing. By conservative estimates, there are still millions of undiscovered species, waiting to be named and studied. Regrettably, before we even have a chance to uncover their mysteries, they may vanish forever. If we don’t even know they exist, how can we save them?

But let’s take a moment to commemorate the species that we do know have been lost. Let’s add them to the Book of the Dead and learn from their fate. In 2022, countless creatures bid farewell to our world, leaving an irreplaceable void in our ecosystem. These casualties include the Chinese paddlefish, a colossal fish that fell victim to the Gezhouba Dam’s construction, the Yangtze sturgeon, battling against countless threats, and the Florida govenia, a beautiful orchid wiped out by poaching.

A Eulogy for the Vanished

The Sharp-snouted day frog, Mountain mist frog, Saxicolella deniseae, and numerous other amphibians succumbed to the deadly chytrid fungus, leaving no trace behind after decades of extensive searches. Similarly, the jaguarundi, a small feline, disappeared from the United States, while the White-handed gibbon and northern white-cheeked gibbon met the same fate within China’s borders due to human activities. These heartbreaking losses remind us of the fragility of life and the devastating impact our actions can have on the natural world.

It’s not just animals facing the brink of extinction; plants are also at risk. The Coote’s tree snail, Heenan’s cycad, and Mollinedia myriantha, among others, have faded away, leaving us with only memories of their existence. Even algae, such as Cystophora, have been declared “functionally extinct” along the coast of southern Australia, further emphasizing the urgent need for conservation efforts.

The Urgency to Act

The extinction crisis we face today is preventable if we work together. As we remember these lost species, let’s not succumb to despair. Instead, let their stories serve as a wake-up call, a reminder that we have the power to make a difference. The 50th anniversary of the Endangered Species Act in the United States stands testament to the effectiveness of conservation efforts. By actively protecting endangered species, we can prevent their extinction or aid in their recovery.

But the responsibility doesn’t solely lie with governments and organizations. Each one of us can play a part in preserving our planet’s biodiversity. It starts with raising awareness, supporting conservation initiatives, and making conscious choices that benefit our environment. Together, we can ensure that more stories of resurgence, like the two plants from the Channel Islands, fill the pages of our future.


Q: Can we bring back extinct species through cloning or other means?

A: While scientific advancements have made de-extinction a topic of discussion, the reality remains complex. The focus should be on preventing extinctions rather than relying solely on potential resurrection efforts.

Q: How can I contribute to wildlife conservation?

A: There are numerous ways to make a difference. You can support local conservation organizations, reduce your ecological footprint, and spread awareness about the importance of preserving biodiversity.

Q: Are there any ongoing efforts to revive vanished species?

A: Yes, scientists and conservationists are actively engaged in projects such as captive breeding programs, habitat restoration, and reintroduction initiatives to save critically endangered species from the brink of extinction.


The loss of any species is a tragedy that reverberates throughout our natural world. As we acknowledge the countless vanished creatures of 2022, we must reflect on our role in shaping the destiny of Earth’s biodiversity. Each species that disappears is a haunting reminder of our collective responsibility to protect and cherish the delicate web of life. Let us honor the Book of the Dead, not as a final tribute, but as a call to action. It’s time to safeguard our planet’s irreplaceable treasures and ensure a future where no more names are added to this mournful list.

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