Ranking the 29: What’s the Most Challenging Big Game Animal to Hunt?

Ranking the 29: What's the Toughest Big Game Animal to Hunt?

When I was assigned this article, I couldn’t help but feel excited. Writing about hunting allows me to relive past adventures and reflect on the challenges I faced. But this assignment was no ordinary task. I had to rank the 29 species of big game animals based on their difficulty to hunt. And not just any difficulty – I had to consider their wariness, adaptability, intelligence, and maturity. No easy feat, I must say!

The Three Toughest Challengers

After much contemplation, three species stood out to me as the most formidable opponents: Roosevelt elk, mule deer, and whitetail deer. Let me tell you why.

Roosevelt Elk: The Silent and Elusive Prey


A mature Roosevelt bull elk is no easy catch. These majestic creatures inhabit the thickest, nastiest rainforest terrain in North America. Unlike their bugling counterparts, they are the least vocal of the elk species, making them harder to locate, stalk, and call into bow range. While they can be effectively called, it’s not an easy task to bring them close.

In my own experience, I had the pleasure of hunting a Roosevelt bull in Oregon. After several failed attempts to call one into range, I decided to sit in a ladder stand overlooking an elk trail. Just when I thought I’d missed my chance, luck smiled upon me. A cow elk led the bull through an opening, and I finally had my shot. My friend Gary Martin from Wisconsin had an even tougher time, taking him six years to tag a Pope and Young Roosevelt bull. These mature Rosie’s truly prove challenging for bowhunters.

Mule Deer: The Alert and Slippery Target

Mule Deer Buck

Some might argue that a mature mule deer buck is the ultimate challenge for bowhunters. Finding one alone is a feat in itself, but stalking within bow range of these alert creatures is where the real challenge lies. The perfect conditions must align: silent terrain, favorable wind, relaxed animal temperament, and a shot opportunity. Stalking a mature muley buck is a delicate dance where anything can go wrong.

My friend Randy Ulmer, a seasoned bowhunter, believes that a trophy mule deer is one of the hardest animals to kill with a bow. And I can personally attest to this challenge. It took me several days of waiting in a blind before I finally had the chance to arrow my best mule deer to date in Mexico. Whether stalking or sitting in a blind, these muleys are never an easy target.

Whitetail Deer: The Master of Wariness

My Kansas Buck

Surprisingly, a mature whitetail buck claims the top spot on my list. This was the first animal that came to mind when I started working on this article. Whitetails offer more hunting opportunities than any other big game species in North America, but that doesn’t make them any less challenging. In fact, the wariness, intelligence, and sixth sense of these bucks make them a true puzzle to solve.

Being an Alaskan bowhunter, I have the privilege of hunting multiple big game species every year. While I do have a good success rate in Alaska, the same cannot be said for mature whitetail bucks. Despite having access to prime Kansas whitetail territory, it takes me more time and effort to bag a mature buck than on most of my Alaskan hunts. Some years, I leave empty-handed after spending days in the best deer stands. It’s a true test of skill and patience.


Q: Are these rankings definitive?
These rankings are based on my personal experiences and opinions. They can be debated endlessly, as every bowhunter has their own ideas and conclusions. Feel free to voice your thoughts and engage in discussions.

Q: Are all species equal in difficulty within their ranking?
No, even within the same species, individuals possess varying levels of wariness, adaptability, and intelligence. Each hunt is unique, and success depends on various factors.

Q: What makes a successful bowhunter?
Successful bowhunters never give up. They adapt their skills to the specific challenges presented by each species. Bowhunting is a test of dedication, perseverance, and the ability to outsmart your quarry.


As bowhunters, we don’t choose this path because it’s easy. We embrace the challenges and dedicate ourselves to mastering the art of the hunt. While the rankings may spark debate, it’s important to remember that every species has its strengths and weaknesses. Each hunt is an opportunity to test our skills and enjoy the thrill of the chase.

So, the next time you embark on a hunting adventure, remember the wise words of an experienced bowhunter: “We must be willing to identify and adapt to the specific skills, strengths, and weaknesses that each of these species present. But I don’t discriminate, and I’ve always looked forward to trying to outsmart every single one of them.”


  1. Whitetail Deer
  2. Mule Deer
  3. Roosevelt Elk
  4. Coues Deer
  5. Columbian Blacktail Deer
  6. Grizzly Bear
  7. Alaska Brown Bear
  8. Black Bear
  9. Cougar
  10. Bighorn Sheep
  11. Desert Bighorn Sheep
  12. Stone Sheep
  13. Dall Sheep
  14. Rocky Mountain Goat
  15. Bison
  16. American Elk
  17. Tule Elk
  18. Shiras Moose
  19. Canada Moose
  20. Alaska Yukon Moose
  21. Sitka Blacktail Deer
  22. Quebec/Labrador Caribou
  23. Central Canada Barren Ground Caribou
  24. Barren Ground Caribou
  25. Mountain Caribou
  26. Woodland Caribou
  27. Polar Bear
  28. Pronghorn Antelope
  29. Muskox

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