A Birthday Surprise: A Tale of Unexpected Gifts and Genuine Affection

Sebek, a young student at Diasomnia, wasn’t accustomed to extravagant birthday celebrations. However, his friends Lili and Malleus insisted on throwing him a real party, leaving Sebek both excited and anxious about the outcome. Despite his worries, he trusted Lilia’s social skills and believed that his closest friends, like Ace and Jack, would feel comfortable attending.

On his birthday, most people greeted him with casual wishes, and Sebek didn’t expect any gifts from his classmates. But he did anticipate a present from a specific classmate, the Ramshackle prefect. However, their interaction was brief and didn’t include a gift. Sebek’s excitement waned, and he returned to his seat feeling a bit disheartened.

The party turned out to be a blast. Lilia surprised him with his favorite cake, Malleus gifted him a cherished book adorned with personal notes, and all of his friends gathered to celebrate. The worries that had plagued Sebek throughout the day melted away as he watched his friends sing to him, and he made a wish before blowing out the candles on his cake. The flickering green light filled him with joy.

After enjoying the cake, Sebek noticed a familiar pair of eyes fixated on him. The prefect grinned and gestured for him to follow to the hallway. Curiosity piqued, Sebek excused himself from Malleus and Lilia, who exchanged glances but said nothing.

Outside the main room, Sebek’s gruff “Did you need something, human?” came out harsher than intended. The prefect chuckled, holding out a small box and explaining that they wanted to give him something in private. Sebek nodded, understanding the sentiment, and opened the box, revealing a stunning necklace.

The silver necklace sparkled as Sebek held it, with a delicate longsword charm hanging from it. When he turned the charm over, he noticed an inscription that brought a wide smile to his face. The prefect confessed that the necklace reminded them of Sebek’s aspiration to be Malleus’s knight.

Touched by the thoughtful gift, Sebek clasped the necklace around his neck, proudly displaying it. The prefect chuckled at his enthusiasm and applauded. Sebek couldn’t contain his affection and hesitated only for a moment before hugging the prefect tightly in gratitude.

In that moment, Sebek realized how fortunate he was to have such caring people in his life. The impact of their genuine gestures of kindness made him feel like the luckiest person on campus.


Q: Who organized the surprise birthday party for Sebek?
A: Lili and Malleus, his friends at Diasomnia, organized the party and invited everyone.

Q: Did Sebek receive any gifts from his classmates?
A: While Sebek didn’t expect gifts, he did anticipate a present from the Ramshackle prefect. However, their interaction was brief and lacked a gift.

Q: What gift did the prefect give Sebek?
A: The prefect gave Sebek a beautiful necklace with a longsword charm, symbolizing Sebek’s aspiration to be Malleus’s knight.


Sebek’s birthday turned into a heartwarming celebration filled with surprises and genuine affection. The thoughtfulness of his friends, Lili and Malleus, who organized the party, and the unexpected gift from the Ramshackle prefect made Sebek feel incredibly fortunate. Sometimes, the most precious presents are the ones that come from the heart, reminding us of the beautiful connections we share with others.

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