Animals That Start with Q: Discover 20 Fascinating Creatures

Welcome to the world of animals that start with Q! While there may not be a long list of creatures beginning with this letter, the ones that do exist are truly intriguing. From birds to mammals, we’ve compiled a captivating list of 20 animals that will leave you amazed. So, let’s dive in and explore these extraordinary beings!


Quail - animals that start with q

These hearty game birds are widely favored around the world for their meat and eggs. Despite their appearance, quails are capable of flying at speeds of up to 40 miles per hour, though only over short distances.

Fun Fact: Quail hens can lay an average of 200 eggs annually.


Quokka - animals that start with q

The Quokka is a small marsupial found exclusively in Australia. Being one of the smallest species of wallabies, it hops through tunnels in long grasses to avoid predators.

Fun Fact: Quokkas can survive for months without water.



Sadly, the Quagga, a sub-species of zebra, is now extinct. These animals had stripes only on their necks and shoulders and used to travel in large herds over long distances.

Fun Fact: Quagga herds always kept a sentry while they slept.


Quoll - animals that start with q

The adorable Quoll can only be found in Australia and Papua New Guinea. Despite their cute appearance, these marsupials have a fierce appetite and will eat anything they come across, whether alive or dead.

Fun Fact: Quolls are surprisingly aggressive and ferocious, despite their small size.



The Quetzal is a brightly colored bird native to the rainforests of Central America. Its golden green crest feathers on the head make it truly breathtaking.

Fun Fact: Male Quetzals can grow tail feathers as long as one meter.

Qinling Panda

Qinling Panda - animals that start with q

The Qinling Panda closely resembles the giant Panda, with the only difference being its brown coat and eye spots below the eyes instead of around them. These pandas are incredibly rare, with fewer than 200 individuals remaining in the wild.

Fun Fact: Qinling pandas are a unique and precious species.


Quahog - animals that start with q

The Quahog is a species of hard-shelled clam found in various parts of North America and Europe. Not only are they notable dishes in these regions, but they also reproduce by releasing their gametes into the surrounding water.

Fun fact: Quahogs have an interesting reproductive process.

Queen Alexandra’s Birdwing

Queen Alexandra’s Birdwing

The Queen Alexandra’s Birdwing is the largest species of butterfly in the world. Found exclusively in Papua New Guinea, females can have a wingspan of up to 28cm.

Fun Fact: Early collectors used to hunt these butterflies with small shotguns.

Queen Angelfish

Queen Angelfish - animals that start with q

This stunning fish thrives in the coral reefs of the western Atlantic Ocean. With its vibrant colors, it is highly sought after as an aquarium fish. Female Queen Angelfish are capable of releasing up to seventy-five thousand eggs during mating.

Fun Fact: The Queen Angelfish is a true beauty of the ocean.

Quagga Catshark

Quagga Catshark - animals that start with q

The Quagga Catshark is a species found off the coast of southwestern India and eastern Somalia. Its distinctive striped appearance resembles that of a quagga, hence its name.

Fun Fact: The Quagga Catshark’s stripes resemble those of its namesake.

Queen Snake

Queen Snake - animals that start with q

The non-venomous Queen Snake is native to North America and is semi-aquatic. It prefers to stay close to clean running water or watersheds.

Fun Fact: The Queen Snake hunts its prey by tracking its scent with its sensitive tongue.

Queen Snapper

Queen Snapper

The Queen Snapper stands out with its vibrant red and pinkish skin. It can be found in the western Atlantic Ocean, along the coasts of North and South America.

Fun Fact: The Queen Snapper can grow up to thirty-nine inches in length.

Queen Triggerfish

Queen Triggerfish

Inhabiting the waters of the western Atlantic Ocean, the Queen Triggerfish is known for its bright colors. Often sought after for large aquaria, this fish can change colors when stressed.

Fun Fact: The Queen Triggerfish is a master of camouflage.

Queensland Grouper

Queensland Grouper

The Queensland Grouper is one of the largest bony fish species in the world. It can be found in the Indian and Pacific Oceans, and its diet includes sea turtles and small sharks.

Fun Fact: The Queensland Grouper has an impressive appetite.

Queensland Tube-Nosed Bat

Queensland Tube-Nosed Bat

This unique bat species is found in North-Eastern Australia. Known for its brown color with yellow spotting, it has two tubular nostrils that project from its snout.

Fun Fact: The drinking habits of the Queensland Tube-Nosed Bat remain a mystery.


Quelea - animals that start with q

The Quelea is a small bird found in Sub-Saharan Africa. Often referred to as the Africa feathered locust, it is notorious for decimating large areas of plants.

Fun Fact: With a population of 1.5 billion, Queleas are the most populous undomesticated birds in the world.

Queensland Lungfish

Queensland Lungfish - animals that start with q

The Queensland Lungfish, found in the Eastern parts of Australia, possesses a lung in addition to its gills. This unique adaptation allows it to breathe oxygen and survive the dry season.

Fun Fact: Queensland Lungfishes have a fascinating respiratory system.

Quechuan Hocicudo

Quechuan Hocicudo

The Quechuan Hocicudo is a small rodent that inhabits the cloud forests of the Andes. However, due to its limited distribution and habitat destruction, it is classified as endangered.

Fun Fact: The Quechuan Hocicudo faces numerous threats to its survival.

Quacking Frog

Quacking Frog - animals that start with q

Only found in Australia, the Quacking Frog gets its name from its distinctive mating call that sounds like a duck’s quack. Interestingly, their mating activity seems to be influenced by the phases of the moon.

Fun Fact: Quacking frogs have an interesting lunar connection.

Quebrada Valverde Salamander

Quebrada Valverde Salamander

The Quebrada Valverde Salamander is a unique creature found exclusively in Costa Rica. It prefers areas close to water bodies or moist forests and breathes through its moist skin.

Fun Fact: The Quebrada Valverde Salamander has a specialized respiratory system.


Q: Are there any other animals that start with Q?
A: The animals listed above represent the most notable creatures beginning with the letter Q.

Q: Why are there so few animals that start with Q?
A: The scarcity of animals beginning with Q can be attributed to the limited number of species whose names start with that letter.

Q: Are any of these animals endangered?
A: Yes, the Quagga and Quechuan Hocicudo are both classified as endangered due to habitat destruction and limited distribution, respectively.


In this article, we’ve uncovered 20 fascinating animals that start with the letter Q. From the agile Quail to the elusive Quacking Frog, each creature on this list has its own unique characteristics and stories. We hope you’ve enjoyed this journey into the animal kingdom and discovered something new. To explore more captivating articles like this, visit Hot Pets News – Pets and Animals. Thank you for joining us on this wild adventure!