How Eating Plants Can Save Animals and the Environment

Does farming plants kill animals? Yes, but there’s a way to minimize animal suffering worldwide: by adopting a vegan lifestyle. Being vegan isn’t about perfection; it’s about reducing suffering as much as possible. Unfortunately, industries that profit from exploiting animals often muddy the waters with skewed information to prevent people from learning the truth.

Being vegan is the most compassionate and effective way to protect animals and the environment. Here’s why:

Far Fewer Animals Are Killed for Plant-Based Diets

Contrary to popular belief, more animals are killed for meat, eggs, and dairy than die when plants are harvested. Additionally, most of the corn and soy grown today is used as feed for farmed animals, contributing to environmental destruction.

Vegan Diets Require Fewer Plants

Eating vegan actually requires the harvesting of roughly 12 times fewer plants than feeding animals intended for meat. Furthermore, growing and processing plant protein requires much less water compared to raising animals for meat. By choosing a plant-based diet, you’re making a more sustainable choice for the planet.

Vegan Materials Are Sustainable

Not only is being vegan better for animals and the environment, but vegan materials are also more sustainable than those made from animals. By opting for cruelty-free alternatives, you’re contributing to a more ethical and eco-friendly world.

Animal Agriculture Depletes the Land

Animal agriculture not only harms animals but also depletes the land. Toxic runoff, waste lagoons, and desertification are just some of the consequences. Even leather production, which poisons rivers and the humans who rely on them, adds to this bleak picture. By going vegan, you can help combat these harmful practices.

Super Vegans: Imagining a Better World

Vegans play a crucial role in saving the planet. By avoiding industrial farming, you help protect animals from being killed and support responsible plant agriculture. Additionally, breakthroughs in technology, such as cruelty-free meat and vegan leathers, are paving the way for a compassionate future.

Now is the best time to consider going vegan and making a positive impact. Get your free vegan starter kit today and join the movement. If you’re already vegan and want to improve your communication skills to counter animal industry cover-ups, check out our free debate kits.


Q: Does harvesting plants kill animals?
A: Animals are unintentionally killed by pesticides or machinery during plant farming and harvesting. However, the meat, egg, and dairy industries are the biggest culprits, resulting in the deaths of millions of animals annually.

Q: How does animal agriculture deplete the land?
A: Animal agriculture leads to toxic runoff, contamination of water supplies, waste lagoons emitting dangerous fumes, and desertification. Leather production, in particular, contributes to the pollution of rivers and poses a threat to both humans and animals.


By choosing to eat plants instead of animal products, you can make a significant difference in protecting animals and the environment. Going vegan is the compassionate and responsible choice that can help create a better future for all. Join the movement today and visit Hot Pets News – Pets and Animals for more helpful information.