Discover the Exciting World of Animals in Spanish!

Learning about animals in Spanish is not only educational but also incredibly fun! Whether you’re an animal lover or a language enthusiast, delving into Spanish animal vocabulary will make your language-learning journey even more exciting. Plus, it’s a great way to introduce Spanish to children!

Farm Animals in Spanish: Old Macdonald, meet En la Granja de Mi Tío!

Remember singing along to “Old Macdonald Had a Farm”? Well, get ready to immerse yourself in the Spanish version! The popular nursery rhyme “En la Granja de Mi Tío” has the same catchy tune and concept. If you already know the English lyrics, you’ll have a blast singing along to the Spanish version while learning some farm animal names!

Check out the YouTube video below to listen to “En la Granja de Mi Tío” with lyrics:

En la Granja de Mi Tío

Once you’re familiar with the song, dive into our comprehensive table of farm animals in Spanish. From cows and horses to sheep and pigs, you’ll be ready to engage in lively conversations about farm life in Spanish.

English Animal Name Animal Name (singular) Animal Name (plural) Male Female Young Collective Noun
Cow Vaca Vacas Toro Vaca Ternero Rodeo
Horse Caballo Caballos Caballo Yegua Potrillo Tropilla
Donkey Burro Burros Burro Yegua Mula Recúa
Goat Cabra Cabras Cabrío Cabra Chivo Rebaño
Chicken Gallina Gallinas Gallo Gallina Pollo (pollito) Parvada
Sheep Oveja Ovejas Carnero Oveja Cordero Rebaño
Pig Cerdo Cerdos Cerdo Cerda Lechón Piara
Rabbit Conejo Conejos Conejo Coneja Gazapo Conejera
Duck Pato Patos Pato Pata Patito Parvada
Goose Ganso Gansos Ganso Gansa Ansarino Parvada
Turkey Pavo Pavos Pavo Pava Polluelo Parvada
Llama Llama Llamas Llama macho Llama hembra Cría de llama Manada
Deer Venado Venados Venado Venada Cervato Manada
Alpaca Alpaca Alpacaa Alpaca macho Alpaca hembra Cría de alpaca Manada
Buffalo Búfalo Búfalos Búfalo Búfala Bucerros Rebaño
Parrot Loro Loros Loro Lora Polluelo Parvada
Dove Paloma Palomas Paloma Paloma Polluelo Parvada
Mule Mula Mulas Mula Mula Cría de mula Yunta
Yak Yak Yaks Yak Yak Ternerillo Manada
Zebu Cebú Cebús Cebú Cebú Cría de cebú Manada
Elk Ciervo Ciervos Ciervo Hembra Cría de ciervo Manada
Swan Cisne Cisnes Cisne Hembra Polluelo Parvada
Dromedary Dromedario Dromedarios Dromedario Hembra Cría de dromedario Manada
Guineafowl Pintada Pintadas Macho Pintada Polluelo Parvada
Bison Bisonte Bisontes Bisonte Hembra Ternero Manada

Names of Pets in Spanish: Show Your Love in Español!

Do you have pets at home? Why not shower them with affection in Spanish? Your pets won’t mind the language as long as they feel loved! Using Spanish terms of endearment is not only adorable but also a fantastic way to bond with your furry friends while improving your Spanish vocabulary and pronunciation.

For example, instead of calling your dog “perro,” you can call them “¡perrito!” The “-ito” suffix adds an extra touch of endearment, changing “dog” to “little dog.” This works regardless of their size, even if you have a 200-pound English Mastiff!

Check out the table below for some of the most common pet animals in Spanish:

English Animal Name Animal Name (singular) Animal Name (plural) Male Female Young Collective Noun
Dog Perro Perros Perro Perra Cachorro Jauría
Cat Gato Gatos Gato Gata Gatito Manada
Guinea pig Conejillo de indias Conejillos de indias Conejillo de indias Cobaya Gazapo de indias Parvada
Hamster Hamster Hamsters Hamster Hamster Cría de hamster Colonia
Iguana Iguana Iguanas Garrobo Iguana Cría de iguana Manada
Ferret Hurón Hurones Hurón Hurón Cría de hurón Negocio
Bird Pájaro Pájaros Pájaro Pájaro Polluelo Bandada
Parakeet Perico Pericos Perico Perico Polluelo Bandada
Hedgehog Erizo Erizos Erizo Erizo Cría de erizo Colonia
Mouse Ratón Ratones Ratón Ratona Cría de ratón Bandada
Chinchilla Chinchilla Chinchillas Chinchilla Chinchilla Cría de chinchilla Colonia
Salamander Salamandra Salamandras Salamandra macho Salamandra hembra Renacuajo Anura
Goldfish Pez dorado Peces dorados Pez dorado macho Pez dorado hembra Alevín de pez dorado Cardumen
Betta Fish Pez betta Peces betta Pez betta macho Pez betta hembra Alevín de pez betta Cardumen
Guppy Guppy Guppys Guppy macho Guppy hembra Alevín de guppy Cardumen
Angelfish Pez Ángel Peces Ángel Pez Ángel macho Pez Ángel hembra Alevín de pez ángel Cardumen
Lovebird Inseparable Inseparables Inseparable macho Inseparable hembra Polluelo de inseparable Parvada

Zoo Animals in Spanish: Embark on a Wild Adventure!

Do you enjoy visiting the zoo? Imagine being able to identify and talk about all the incredible animals in Spanish during your next zoo trip! You can even make flashcards in advance to help you remember the Spanish names correctly.

Memorizing zoo animal names in Spanish opens the door to exciting new study strategies. Your local zoo may even have Spanish translations on exhibit plaques, especially if you live in an area with a significant Hispanic population.

Check out the table below for the most common zoo animals in Spanish:

English Animal Name Animal Name (singular) Animal Name (plural) Male Female Young Collective Noun
Elephant Elefante Elefantes Elefante Elefanta Cría de elefante Manada
Zebra Cebra Cebras Cebra Cebra Potrillo Manada
Lion León Leones León Leona Cachorro Manada
Hippo Hipopótamo Hipopótamos Hipopótamo Hipopótama Cría de hipopótamo Hinchazón
Rhinoceros Rinoceronte Rinocerontes Rinoceronte Abada Cría de rinoceronte Manada
Giraffe Jirafa Jirafas Jirafa Jirafa Ternero Manada
Gorilla Gorila Gorilas Gorila Gorila Cría de gorila Tropa
Tiger Tigre Tigres Tigre Tigresa Cachorro Manada
Bear Oso Osos Oso Osa Osezno Manada
Jaguar Jaguar Jaguares Jaguar Jaguaresa Cachorro Manada
Leopard Leopardo Leopardos Leopardo Leopardo Cachorro Manada
Spider Monkey Mono araña Monos araña Mono araña macho Mono araña hembra Cría de Mono araña Tropa
Giant Anteater Oso hormiguero gigante Osos hormigueros Oso hormiguero macho Oso hormiguero hembra Cría de oso hormiguero Manada
Pangolin Pangolín Pangolines Pangolín macho Pangolín hembra Cría de pangolín Manada
Wolf Lobo Lobos Lobo Loba Lobezno Jauría
Camel Camello Camellos Camello Camella Guelfo Bandada
Bat Murciélago Murciélagos Murciélago macho Murciélago hembra Cría de murciélago Colonia
Porcupine Puercoespín Puercoespines Puercoespín macho Puercoespín hembra Cría de puercoespín Colonia
Prairie Dog Perrito de las praderas Perritos de las praderas Perrito de las praderas Perrita de las praderas Cachorrito de las praderas Jauría
Flamingo Flamenco Flamencos Flamenco hembra Polluelo de flamenco Colonia
Baboon Papio Papiones Papio hembra Cría de papio Manada
Bonobo Bonobo Bonobos Bonobo hembra Cría de bonobo Manada
Gibbon Gibón Gibónes Gibón hembra Cría de gibón Manada
Bengal Tiger Tigre de Bengala Tigres de Bengala Tigre de Bengala Tigresa de Bengala Cachorro Manada
Panda Oso panda Osos panda Oso panda macho Oso panda hembra Osenzo Manada
Macaque Macaco Macacos Macaco hembra Cría de macaco Manada
Mandrill Mandril Mandriles Mandril macho Mandril hembra Cría de mandril Manada
Warthog Jabalí verrugoso Jabalíes verrugosos Jabalí verrugoso Jabalí verrugosa Jabato verrugoso Piara
Wildebeest Ñu Ñues Ñu hembra Cría de ñu Manada
Bongo Bongo Bongos Bongo hembra Cría de bongo Manada
Mongoose Mangosta Mangostas Mangosta macho Mangosta Cría de mangosta Manada
Caracal Caracal Caracales Caracal hembra Cría de caracal Manada
Kiwi Kiwi Kiwis Kiwi hembra Polluelo de kiwi Colonia

Sea Animals in Spanish: Take a Dive into the Deep Blue!

If you love marine life, memorizing sea animal names in Spanish will take your language skills to the next level. Whether you’re planning a trip to the aquarium or just want to feel closer to the ocean, learning how to talk about sea animals in Spanish is a fantastic idea!

Check out the table below for the most common sea animals in Spanish:

English Animal Name Animal Name (singular) Animal Name (plural) Male Female Young Collective Noun
Fish Pez Peces Pez Pez Alevín Cardumen
Dolphin Delfín Delfines Delfín Delfín Cría Manada
Whale Ballena Ballenas Ballena Ballena Ballenato Manada
Sea lion León Marino Leones Marinos Toro Vaca Cachorro Colonia
Octopus Pulpo Pulpos Pulpo Pulpo Cría Octopoda
Shark Tiburón Tiburones Tiburón Tiburón Cría Manada
Crab Cangrejo Cangrejos Cangrejo Cangrejo Zoea Manada
Shrimp Camarón Camarones Camarón Camarón Cría Cardumen
Sea turtle Tortuga marina Tortugas marinas Tortuga marina Tortuga marina Cría Nido
Seal Foca Focas Toro Vaca Cachorro Colonia
Jellyfish Medusa Medusas Medusa Medusa Cría Banco
Whale shark Tiburón ballena Tiburones ballena Tiburón ballena macho Tiburón ballena hembra Cría Cardumen
Manta ray Mantarraya Mantarrayas Mantarraya macho Mantarraya hembra Cría Cardumen
Sea horse Caballito de mar Caballitos de mar Caballito de mar macho Caballito de mar hembra Crías Cardumen
Walrus Morsa Morsas Toro Vaca Cachorro Colonia
Penguin Pingüino Pingüinos Pingüino macho Pingüino hembra Polluelo Colonia
Cuttlefish Jibia Jibias Jibia Jibia Cría Escuela
Star fish Estrella de mar Estrellas de mar Estrella de mar macho Estrella de mar hembra Larvas Constelación
Lobster Langosta Langostas Langosta macho Langosta hembra Larva Manada
Oyster Ostión Ostiónes Ostión Ostión hembra Cría Colonia
Tuna Atún Atunes Atún Atún hembra Alevín Cardumen
Anchovy Anchoa Anchoas Anchoa Anchoa hembra Alevín Cardumen
Manatee Manatí Manatíes Manatí Manatí hembra Cría Colonia
Clownfish Pez payaso Peces payaso Pez payaso macho Pez payaso hembra Alevín Escuela
Eel Anguila Anguilas Anguila macho Anguila hembra Larva Banco
Koi Pez koi Peces koi Pez koi macho Pez koi hembra Alevín de koi Escuela
Salmon Salmón Salmones Salmón Salmón hembra Alevín Cardumen
Sea Slug Babosa de mar Babosas de mar Babosa macho Babosa hembra Larva de babosa Manada
Sea Sponge Esponja de mar Esponjas de mar Esponja de mar macho Esponja de mar hembra Esponja de mar Arrecife
Narwhal Narval Narvales Narval Narval hembra Cría de narval Manada
Platypus Ornitorrinco Ornitorrincos Ornitorrinco Ornitorrinco hembra Cría de ornitorrinco Manada
Squid Calamar Calamares Calamar Calamar hembra Cría de calamar Escuadrón
Sea Bass Lobina Lobinas Lobina macho Lobina hembra Alevín de lobina Cardumen
Barnacle Crustáceo Crustácea Crustáceo Crustáceo Crustácea Población
Puffer Fish Pez Globo Peces Globo Pez Globo Pez globo hembra Alevín de pez globo Cardumen

Jungle Animals in Spanish: Welcome to the Wild Side!

If you’re a fan of jungle creatures, learning their names in Spanish will transport you to the heart of the wild. Whether you’re fascinated by monkeys, snakes, or toucans, the jungle is full of captivating animals waiting to be explored!

Check out the table below for the most common jungle animals in Spanish:

English Animal Name Animal Name (singular) Animal Name (plural) Male Female Young Collective Noun
Monkey Chango Changos Chango Chango Bebé chango Manada
Chameleon Camaleón Camaleones Camaleón Camaleón Cría de camaleón Manada
Toucan Tucán Tucanes Tucán Tucán Polluelo Parvada
Frog Rana Ranas Rana Rana Renacuajo Manada
Snake Víbora Víboras Víbora Víbora Viborezno Den
Crocodile Cocodrilo Cocodrilos Cocodrilo Cocodrilo Cría de cocodrilo Congregación
Macaw Guacamaya Guacamayas Guacamayo Guacamaya Polluelo Parvada
Donkey Burro Burros Burro Burro Mula Recúa
Iguana Iguana Iguanas Garrobo Iguana Cría de iguana Manada
Ferret Hurón Hurones Hurón Hurón Cría de hurón Negocio
Bird Pájaro Pájaros Pájaro Pájaro Polluelo Bandada
Parrot Loro Loros Loro Lora Polluelo Parvada
Dove Paloma Palomas Paloma Paloma Polluelo Parvada
Mongoose Mangosta Mangostas Mangosta macho Mangosta hembra Cría de mangosta Manada
Leopard Leopardo Leopardos Leopardo macho Leopardo hembra Cachorro Manada
Orangutan Orangután Orangutanes Orangután macho Orangutan hembra Cría de orangután Tropa
Iguana Iguana Iguanas Toro Vaca Cría de iguana Manada
Howler monkey Mono aullador Monos aulladores Mono aullador macho Mono aullador hembra Cría de mono aullador Tropa
Tapir Tapir Tapires Tapir macho Tapir hembra Cría de tapir Manada
Chimpanzee Chimpancé Chimpancés Chimpancé macho Chimpancé hembra Cría de chimpancé Manada
Lemur Lemur Lémures Lemur macho Lemur hembra Cría de lemur Manada
Alligator Lagarto Lagartos Lagarto Lagarto hembra Cría de lagarto Salón
Sloth Perezoso Perezosos Perezoso Perezosa Cría de perezoso Manada
Squirrel Monkey Mono ardilla Monos ardilla Mono ardilla macho Mono ardilla hembra Cría de mono ardilla Manada
Tamarin Tamarino Tamarinos Tamarino Tamarino hembra Cría de tamarino Manada
Anaconda Anaconda Anacondas Anaconda macho Anaconda hembra Cría de anaconda Den
Capuchin Monkey Mono capuchino Monos capuchino Mono capuchino Mono capuchino hembra Cría de mono capuchino Manada
Condor Cóndor Cóndores Cóndor Cóndor hembra Polluelo de cóndor Parvada
Kingfisher Martín pescador Martines pescadores Martín pescador Martín pescador hembra Polluelo de martín pescador Parvada
Ocelot Ocelote Ocelotes Ocelote macho Ocelote hembra Cachorro Manada
Opossum Zarigüeya Zarigüeyas Zarigüeya macho Zarigüeya hembra Cría de zarigüeya Manada
Piranha Piraña Pirañas Piraña macho Piraña hembra Alevín Cardumen
Weasel Comadreja Comadrejas Comadreja macho Comadreja hembra Cría de comadreja Manada
Poison Dart Frog Rana punta de flecha Ranas punta de flecha Rana punta de flecha macho Rana punta de flecha hembra Renacuajo Anura
Jaguarundi Yaguarundí Yaguarundíes Yaguarundí Yaguarundí hembra Cría de yaguarundí Manada

Animal Songs in Spanish: Learn while Having Fun!

Who said learning a new language had to be all about textbooks and flashcards? There are plenty of songs designed for children and foreign language learners that will help you master animal names in Spanish in no time. Sing along and have a blast!

One popular song for both English and Spanish speakers is “Bingo.” You know, B-I-N-G-O and Bingo was his name-o? Well, there’s a Spanish version too! Check it out below:

Bingo in Spanish

Another catchy tune is “Cinco Patitos.” This song will not only help you learn about ducks and birds but also practice numbers in Spanish.

If you’re looking for a comprehensive playlist, the video below features popular animal songs in Spanish that last almost an hour. It’s perfect to play in the background while you do chores or simply want to immerse yourself in a wild musical experience!

Popular Animal Songs in Spanish

Funny Animal-Related Sayings, Quotes, and Phrases: Discover the Witty Side of Spanish!

Learning Spanish animal vocabulary will not only assist you in daily conversations and zoo trips but also enable you to understand various idioms. Spanish speakers love using quotes, phrases, and sayings in casual conversation, and many of them revolve around animals.

To grasp the metaphor or meaning behind these expressions, it’s crucial to understand the animal they refer to. Once you’re familiar with the animal vocabulary provided above, you’ll find it easier to understand Spanish animal sayings. Here are some famous sayings along with their translations and meanings:

  • Saying: Perro que ladra no muerde. (A dog that barks doesn’t bite.)
    English Translation: All bark, no bite.
    Meaning: Someone who talks tough but lacks action.

  • Saying: Cuando el gato no está, los ratones bailan. (When the cat is not around, the mice dance.)
    English Translation: When the cat’s away, the mice will play.
    Meaning: People act differently when not under supervision.

  • Saying: La curiosidad mató al gato. (Curiosity killed the cat.)
    English Translation: Curiosity killed the cat.
    Meaning: Being overly nosey or inquisitive can lead to trouble.

  • Saying: Hijo de tigre, pintito. (Son of a tiger, painted.)
    English Translation: Like father, like son.
    Meaning: Traits or talents often pass from one generation to the next.

  • Saying: Camarón que se duerme, se lo lleva la corriente. (A shrimp that falls asleep will be carried away by the currents.)
    English Translation: You’ll miss out on something if you’re slow to act.
    Meaning: Seize the opportunity before it’s gone.

  • Saying: Lágrimas de cocodrilo. (Crocodile tears.)
    English Translation: Fake or dramatic tears.
    Meaning: Insincere or feigned sadness.

  • Saying: Moverse como pez en el agua. (To move like a fish in water.)
    English Translation: Act comfortably in a particular situation.
    Meaning: Feel right at home and navigate with ease.

  • Saying: Más vale pájaro en mano que ciento volando. (Better to have a bird in hand than a hundred in the air.)
    English Translation: Don’t put all your eggs in one basket.
    Meaning: It’s better to have something for sure than to risk it all for something uncertain.

As you can see, Spanish animal vocabulary opens the door to understanding a wide range of idioms. Embrace the challenge and make learning Spanish animal names an exciting part of your language-learning journey!


Q: Are these Spanish animal names commonly used or just for learning purposes?
A: These Spanish animal names are commonly used and will help you have conversations involving animals in Spanish-speaking communities.

**Q: Can I use these animal names when talking to native Spanish speakers?
A: Absolutely! Native Spanish speakers will appreciate your effort to communicate using their language, and discussing animals is a great conversation topic.

**Q: How can I practice these animal names in context?
A: Try visiting a local zoo or aquarium, watch Spanish documentaries about animals, or engage in conversations with Spanish speakers who share your interest in animals.

**Q: Are there any resources where I can learn more about animals in Spanish?
A: You can find a wide range of Spanish animal vocabulary resources online, including websites, apps, and language learning platforms that focus on Spanish vocabulary.

**Q: Are the provided tables exhaustive, or are there more animals in Spanish?
A: The tables provide a comprehensive list of popular and commonly encountered animals in Spanish. However, don’t be afraid to explore and discover even more animals as you become more proficient in the language.


Learning Spanish animal vocabulary is a delightful way to improve your language skills while exploring the fascinating world of animals. Whether you’re visiting a zoo, talking about your pets, or engaging in wildlife conversations, these animal names will be your key to unlocking new experiences in the Spanish-speaking world.

¡Diviértete aprendiendo sobre los maravillosos animales en español! (Have fun learning about the amazing animals in Spanish!)