Animals That Start With U: Discover Over 130 Fascinating Creatures!

Are you ready for an adventure into the animal kingdom? We have an incredible list of over 130 animals that start with the letter U! From majestic mammals to beautiful birds, captivating reptiles, amazing amphibians, diverse fish, and fascinating invertebrates, we’ve got it all covered. Let’s dive in and explore the wonders of the animal world!

How Many Animals That Start With U Are on Our List?

Before we begin our journey, why not test your knowledge? Grab a pen and paper, and see how many animals beginning with U you can come up with. We took up the challenge ourselves, and guess how many animals we found? A whopping 137!

If you’re curious about any of these animals, simply highlight their names and right-click to search with Google. You’ll find a wealth of information from reliable sources such as the IUCN Redlist, Arkive, Fishbase, the Cornell Lab of Ornithology, Encyclopedia of Life, and One Zoom.

To get you started, here’s a sneak peek at some of our favorite animals beginning with U:

  1. Uakari (a cheeky monkey)
  2. Unau (a slow-moving sloth)
  3. Urial (a magnificent wild sheep)
  4. Urchin (a spiky marine creature)
  5. Umbrellabird (a bird with a prominent crest)
  6. Unicornfish (a fish with a slender snout)
  7. Uromastyx (a lizard with impressive spines)
  8. Uguisu (a melodious Japanese nightingale)

Believe us, this is just the tip of the iceberg when it comes to the amazing creatures you’ll discover on our list. Let’s start exploring!

Mammals: 31 Animals That Start With U

Animals That Start With U: Uinta Chipmunk

  1. Uakari (monkey)
  2. Unau (sloth)
  3. Urial (sheep)
  4. Ucayali spiny mouse
  5. Uganda Kob
  6. Uganda large-toothed shrew
  7. Ugandan shrew
  8. Uinta chipmunk
  9. Uinta ground squirrel
  10. Ultimate shrew
  11. Umboi tube-nosed fruit bat
  12. Unadorned rock wallaby
  13. Unalaska collared lemming
  14. Underwood’s bonneted bat
  15. Underwood’s long-tongued bat
  16. Underwood’s pocket gopher
  17. Underwood’s water mouse
  18. Unexpected cotton rat
  19. Ungava collared lemming
  20. Unicolored arboreal rice rat
  21. Unicolored oldfield mouse
  22. Unicolored tree rat
  23. Unstriped ground squirrel
  24. Unstriped tube-nosed bat
  25. Ural field mouse
  26. Urartsk mouse-like hamster
  27. Usambara shrew
  28. Ussuri shrew
  29. Ussuri shrew
  30. Ussuri tube-nosed bat
  31. Utah prairie dog

Birds: 36 Animals That Start With U

Animals That Start With U: Upland Goose

  1. Uguisu
  2. Umbrellabird
  3. Udzungwa Partridge
  4. Uganda Woodland Warbler
  5. Ultramarine Flycatcher
  6. Ultramarine Grosbeak
  7. Ultramarine Kingfisher
  8. Ultramarine Lory
  9. Uluguru Violet-backed Sunbird
  10. Unadorned Flycatcher
  11. Undulated Antpitta
  12. Undulated Antshrike
  13. Undulated Tinamou
  14. Unicolored Jay
  15. Unicoloured Antwren
  16. Unicoloured Blackbird
  17. Unicoloured Tapaculo
  18. Unicoloured Thrush
  19. Uniform Antshrike
  20. Uniform Crake
  21. Uniform Finch
  22. Uniform Treehunter
  23. Unspotted Saw-whet Owl
  24. Unstreaked Tit-Tyrant
  25. Upcher’s Warbler
  26. Upland Antshrike
  27. Upland Buzzard
  28. Upland Goose
  29. Upland Pipit
  30. Upland Sandpiper
  31. Ural Owl
  32. Urich’s Tyrannulet
  33. Ursula’s Sunbird
  34. Usambara Akalat
  35. Usambara Weaver
  36. Ussher’s Flycatcher

Reptiles: 4 Animals That Start With U

  1. Uromastyx
  2. Upemba mud turtle
  3. Uribe’s False Cat-eyed Snake
  4. Uzzell’s Lizard

Amphibians: 6 Animals That Start With U

  1. Uganda clawed frog
  2. Uluguru Blue-bellied Frog
  3. Umar Treefrog
  4. Upland Chorus Frog
  5. Usambara Blue-bellied Frog
  6. Usambara torrent frog

Fish: 55 Animals That Start With U

  1. Unicornfish
  2. Uaru Cichlid
  3. U-mark sandperch
  4. U-spot wrasse
  5. Uganda nothobranch
  6. Ukrainian brook lamprey
  7. Ulrey’s tetra
  8. Umatilla dace
  9. Umbee Cichlid
  10. Umbrella cichlid
  11. Umbrella conger
  12. Umpqua chub
  13. Umpqua dace
  14. Umpqua squawfish
  15. Unarmed dwarf monocle bream
  16. Unarmored threespine stickleback
  17. Uncinate sculpin
  18. Uncombed blenny
  19. Underjaw kingfish
  20. Undistinguished sabretooth
  21. Undulate painted ray
  22. Undulated moray
  23. Ungusurculus collettei
  24. Unicolor moray
  25. Unicorn crestfish
  26. Unicorn icefish
  27. Unicorn leatherjacket
  28. Unicorn sole
  29. Union snook
  30. United-lip Gudgeon
  31. Upjaw barb
  32. Upland bully
  33. Upper Grijalva livebearer
  34. Upper Zambesi labeo
  35. Upper Zambesi squeaker
  36. Upper Zambezi nembwe
  37. Upper Zambezi yellowfish
  38. Upside-down goby
  39. Upside-down harptail blenny
  40. Upsidedown catfish
  41. Upturned snout rattail
  42. Urchin clingfish
  43. Uruguay river sprat
  44. Uruguay tetra
  45. Uruguayan eartheater
  46. Usamacinta buffalo
  47. Usangu lampeye
  48. Ussuri catfish
  49. Ussuri sharpbelly
  50. Usumacinta cichlid
  51. Usumacinta sea catfish
  52. Utah chub
  53. Utah Lake sculpin
  54. Utah sucker

Invertebrates: 6 Animals That Start With U

Animals That Start With U: Urchin

  1. Urchin
  2. Ulysses Butterfly
  3. Underwing moth
  4. Uncas Skipper
  5. Unlined Giant Chafer Beetle
  6. Uliodon (spider genus)

Now that you’ve journeyed through the animal alphabet with us, we hope you’ve enjoyed discovering these incredible creatures that start with U. From cute and cuddly mammals to stunning birds, fascinating reptiles, unique amphibians, diverse fish, and astonishing invertebrates, the animal kingdom never ceases to amaze us.


Q: Are there any other animals that start with U?
A: The animals listed here are just a fraction of the many incredible creatures that start with U. Nature’s diversity is boundless, and there are always more fascinating animals to discover.

Q: Can I find these animals in the wild?
A: Yes, many of these animals can be found in their natural habitats around the world. However, some may be rare or endangered, so it’s important to respect and protect their environments.

Q: Where can I learn more about these animals?
A: To dive deeper into the world of animals that start with U, you can visit reputable sources like the IUCN Redlist, Arkive, Fishbase, the Cornell Lab of Ornithology, Encyclopedia of Life, and One Zoom.


We hope you’ve had a wild adventure through the animal kingdom with us! From the enchanting Uakari to the striking Umbrellabird, the diverse world of animals that start with U is truly captivating. Remember to cherish and protect these marvelous creatures and their habitats.

For more exciting articles about pets and animals, visit Hot Pets News – Pets and Animals. Stay tuned for more incredible discoveries from the animal world!