Do Pets Have a Sixth Sense?

Do pets have a sixth sense? We humans rely on our five senses – taste, touch, smell, sight, and hearing. But have you ever wondered if our furry friends have an extra sense that we don’t possess? Let’s dive into this intriguing topic and explore the fascinating world of our pets’ senses.

Canine Senses

Although dogs share the same five senses as humans, there are some notable differences. In terms of vision, humans have a wider color spectrum and can discern more visual detail due to the presence of color-detecting cells in our eyes. However, dogs have their own visual advantages. They can see better in the dark, thanks to their larger pupils and more light-sensitive cells. Additionally, dogs have a remarkable ability to detect tiny movements that may go unnoticed by us. Their keen sense of sight makes them excellent hunters, especially at night.

When it comes to the sense of smell, dogs surpass humans by a long shot. Their noses are approximately 10,000 times more powerful than ours. On the other hand, humans have the upper hand in taste since we have around 9000 taste buds compared to the dog’s 1700. So, the score is tied in terms of touch and hearing, although dogs can hear higher frequencies and at longer distances than us.

What is a Sixth Sense?

Now that we’ve covered the five primary senses, let’s delve into the existence of a potential sixth sense in our pets. What exactly is a sixth sense? Is it a defined sense, or is it more of an intuition, a gut feeling? While it is challenging to precisely define this elusive sixth sense, we can think of it as a heightened level of awareness that draws upon the cumulative information gathered by the other five senses. Whether it is an additional sense or a refined appreciation of the existing senses, the anecdotes surrounding the sixth sense in pets are undeniably intriguing.

Sensitive Examples

Human mood: Many pet owners can attest to the intuitive nature of dogs. Our furry friends seem to pick up on our emotions effortlessly. When we are happy, they share in our joy, bouncing around with excitement. And when we are sad, they offer comfort, snuggling up beside us. It is believed that dogs can detect changes in our hormonal levels, such as oxytocin, serotonin, and dopamine, which are associated with our moods. They somehow know what we need, whether it’s our facial expressions, voice, body language, hormones, or perhaps even that elusive sixth sense.

Hearing and smelling: Dogs possess acute hearing and are more sensitive to certain smells than humans. They can hear distant sounds, like thunder, before we do. Additionally, dogs can detect changes in atmospheric conditions and may sense an impending storm. Have you ever observed your dog anxiously pacing before a storm arrives? Dogs have even been known to detect seismic activity and predict earthquakes. Moreover, they can sense changes in barometric pressure and electromagnetic fields. In fact, a poll conducted by the Associated Press revealed that two-thirds of pet owners believe their pets have a sixth sense when it comes to weather forecasting. Who needs a weather forecaster when you have a dog?

Human illness: A dog’s remarkable sense of smell enables them to detect subtle changes in body chemistry associated with human illnesses. They can pick up on certain volatile organic compounds (VOCs) emitted by our bodies, which are indicative of ongoing health issues. Dogs have been trained to detect VOCs that may indicate lung cancer, bladder cancer, or even predict low blood sugar levels in diabetics. In some cases, they can anticipate seizures by recognizing changes in VOCs, pupil size, and overall demeanor. Coupled with their ability to read their owner’s mood, service dogs can accurately predict health problems and prevent injuries. Are they relying on their sixth sense or are they just super dogs? It’s hard to say for sure.

Daily activities: Dogs are incredibly perceptive when it comes to our routines. They have an uncanny ability to anticipate our actions and know when we are going to wake up, leave for work, or return home. It almost feels like they have an internal clock. Have you ever had your dog waiting eagerly at the front door when you arrive home unexpectedly? In a study, dogs were observed going to the door to greet their owners, even when the owners returned at random times. It’s unclear whether their acute hearing, sense of smell, or that mysterious sixth sense comes into play.

How Can You Sense Your Pet’s Sixth Sense?

While our pets’ sixth sense may be difficult to quantify and study scientifically, we can still observe their behaviors and acknowledge their intuitive nature. Service dogs, with their professional training, demonstrate how they can respond to their owner’s health conditions. However, even untrained pet dogs exhibit their own unique responses. They may become restless or anxious when a storm approaches, seek comfort when they sense their owner’s mood is low, or instinctively stay close to those who are unwell. These untrained responses are significant indicators of their remarkable abilities.

Take the time to observe and appreciate your pet’s intuition. Although we may not possess the same level of sensitivity, our bond with our pets allows us to recognize when their sixth sense is at work. While there may be no concrete scientific evidence, we can certainly embrace the incredible integration of their senses, including that mysterious sixth sense.


  • Do all pets have a sixth sense?
    While the sixth sense is often associated with dogs, other pets, such as cats and even some birds, have also demonstrated intuitive behaviors. It seems that some animals possess a heightened awareness that goes beyond the traditional five senses.

  • Can humans develop a sixth sense?
    While humans may not possess the same innate abilities as our pets, some individuals have reported developing a heightened intuition through mindfulness practices, meditation, or deepening their connection to their surroundings.

  • Is the sixth sense unique to animals?
    While animals may exhibit a more pronounced sixth sense, humans have also reported instances of heightened intuition, such as premonitions or a gut feeling about a certain situation.


Our pets’ senses are truly awe-inspiring, and while the existence of a sixth sense is still a matter of debate, their remarkable abilities continue to fascinate us. Whether it’s their ability to detect our moods, sense impending weather changes, or even anticipate health issues, our furry companions never cease to surprise us. So, next time you notice your pet exhibiting an extraordinary response, remember to appreciate the magic of their senses and the special bond you share.

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