Adorable Pregnant Cat Without A Home Was Adopted By A Special Mother!

I never had a pregnant cat before, she was so cute and she didn’t know if I was gonna hurt her.

She wasn’t eating when she was in my house, she was always hiding in the nesting box when the first time picks her up, she started purring on my shoulder. I just melted!

I finally got her trust and she’s love and wants me to pet her, I had broken her walls down!

But shouldn’t there be babies at this point? After three weeks, she started to show signs that she was about to give birth, the shelter said that was normal, but it’s not happening soon!

Then the next day, I walked in and saw there were three little kittens, and she was such a good mama, all the kittens grow up very healthy.

These kittens are cute and fragile, so the mother cat will protect them with care and love, she always lets the kittens eat first, how sweet she is!

The mother cat taught me a lot of things like patience, love, and how incredible moms of all species are. I love you so much, thank you for coming in and changing my life.


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