The Untamed Wildest Animals: Buffalo and Zebras

When we think of wild animals, ferocious creatures like lions, tigers, and bears come to mind. We imagine chimps swinging through trees or rugged honey badgers crashing through thick brush in search of bee hives. But are these animals truly the wildest?

In the realm of “wild” versus “tame,” there have been few attempts to tame animals like chimps or badgers. However, there are two species that have defied all efforts to be tamed: the beautiful zebra and the magnificent buffalo. These creatures epitomize the essence of wildness. Even buffalo cows kept in captivity refuse to be milked.

While domestic cattle and horses are widespread, buffalos and zebras remain untamed to the bone. Some individuals may succumb to saddles or carts, but as a species, they retain their wild nature. Let’s celebrate these untamed beings!

What Sets Wild Animals Apart from Domestic Animals?

Wild animals have thrived in their natural habitats for the entirety of their species’ existence. They have never undergone selective breeding for human purposes. While nearly every species, from reptiles to insects, has been held in captivity at some point, the question is how well they adapt and whether captivity alters them.

When we think of wild animals, tigers and lions often come to mind. However, generations of these big cats have been bred in captivity, not only in zoos but also in circuses and the pet industry. In these settings, it’s not the most fearsome and dominant males that reproduce but rather the amiable and tractable individuals, occasionally those with unique coat colors.

While these big cats may not have become domesticated pussycats, they have developed calmer demeanors and even smaller fangs through generations of breeding for tameness.

The Distinction of Domestic Animals

True domestic animals have lived in captivity for thousands of generations and differ significantly from their wild ancestors, both physically and psychologically. However, being tame is not the same as being domesticated. Tameness represents a degree of calmness, manageability, and a lack of aggression and fear.

Consider creatures like silkworms and honeybees that are completely domesticated but not necessarily tame in the conventional sense. On the other hand, the animals we consider the epitome of wildness, such as lions and tigers, have been kept and bred in zoos, circuses, and by the pet trade for centuries.

While these big cats may have acquired a more docile demeanor and smaller fangs compared to their wild counterparts, it remains debatable whether they qualify as domestic animals. However, one species stands out as the most profoundly influenced by its association with humans: the domestic dog.

Domestic dogs have seamlessly integrated into our world, instinctively seeking the companionship of human beings over their own species from birth. They are drawn to us and possess an extraordinary desire to please, especially in certain breeds. Most domestic dogs are even born with an understanding of the uniquely human gesture of pointing, a skill that even the most intelligent animals on the planet, like apes and whales, must be taught.

Similarly, domestic horses willingly suppress their instincts and desires as prey animals to fulfill various roles, whether it be carrying us into battle, patrolling, or parading. And let’s not forget about domestic cats, born with a specific vocabulary hardwired into their brains—a vocalization exclusively reserved for humans. Yes, it seems cats only “meow” to people.

See More Animal Extreme Closeups

For a closer look at the fascinating details of these untamed creatures, check out our mesmerizing collection of extreme animal closeup images.


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In the vast spectrum from wild to domestic, some animals defy all attempts at taming. Buffalo and zebras proudly bear the untamed spirit, resistant to the grip of human influence. Meanwhile, domesticated animals have undergone transformations, both physical and psychological, over thousands of generations. From our unbreakable bond with dogs to the remarkable adaptability of horses and the intriguing communication style of cats, these animals have become intertwined with our lives. Hot Pets News – Pets and Animals invites you to explore the enchanting world of animals, where untamed wonders and domestic companions reside side by side.