Discover the Fascinating World of Animals That Start with A!

The animal kingdom is a mesmerizing realm filled with a wide variety of species, ranging from mammals and birds to reptiles and insects. Each creature plays a vital role in maintaining the delicate balance of nature. At Hot Pets News – Pets and Animals, we believe in celebrating and appreciating the entire animal kingdom. That’s why we’ve curated the ultimate list of animals that start with the letter A!

Why We Wrote This Article?

As fellow inhabitants of this planet, it is crucial to understand and appreciate all creatures, big and small. By recognizing their importance, we can make choices that benefit both animals and our beautiful planet. As a good news website, we’ve reported hundreds of heartwarming stories about animals. To make it even easier for you to enjoy them, we’ve included links to some of these inspiring tales throughout this article. We hope you take a moment to read a few and share them with your friends!

Animals That Start with the Letter A

Let’s dive into the fascinating world of animals that start with the letter A. From the iconic Aardvark to the mysterious Aye-Aye, this list will introduce you to a plethora of unique creatures. So, get ready to be amazed!

  • Aardvark
  • Aardwolf
  • Abalone
  • Abert’s Squirrel
  • Abyssinian
  • Abyssinian Guinea Pig
  • Acadian Flycatcher
  • Accentor
  • Ackie Monitor
  • Acorn Woodpecker
  • Acorn Worm
  • Acouchi
  • Addax
  • Adderfish
  • Adélie Penguin
  • Admiral Butterfly
  • Aesculapian Snake
  • Affenpinscher
  • Afghan Hound
  • African Buffalo
  • African Bullfrog
  • African Bush Elephant
  • African Civet
  • African Clawed Frog
  • African Elephant
  • African Fish Eagle
  • African Forest Elephant
  • African Golden Cat
  • African Grey Parrot
  • African Honey Bee
  • African Jacana
  • African Lion
  • African Palm Civet
  • African Penguin
  • African Pygmy Goose
  • African Pygmy Hedgehog
  • African Rock Python
  • African Spoonbill
  • African Spurred Tortoise
  • African Sugarcane Borer
  • African Tree Frog
  • African Tree Toad
  • African Wild Ass
  • African Wild Dog
  • African Yellow White-Eye
  • Africanized Bee
  • Agama
  • Agama Lizard
  • Agouti
  • Aidi
  • Ainu
  • Ainu Dog
  • Airedale Terrier
  • Airedoodle
  • Akbash
  • Akbash Dog
  • Akita
  • Akita Shepherd
  • Akule
  • Alabai
  • ‘Alalā
  • Alaotra Grebe
  • Alaskan Husky
  • Alaskan Klee Kai
  • Alaskan Malamute
  • Alaskan Pollock
  • Alaskan Shepherd
  • Albacore Tuna
  • Albatross
  • Albertonectes
  • Albino Corn Snake
  • Albino Ferret
  • Aldabra Giant Tortoise
  • Alder Flycatcher
  • Aleutian Tern
  • Alewife
  • Alfonsino
  • Allen’s Hummingbird
  • Allen’s Swamp Monkey
  • Alligator
  • Alligator Gar
  • Alligator Snapping Turtle
  • Allis Shad
  • Allosaurus
  • Almaco Jack
  • Alpaca
  • Alpheid Shrimp
  • Alpine Dachsbracke
  • Alpine Goat
  • Alpine Ibex
  • Alpine Marmot
  • Alusky
  • Alver
  • Amano Shrimp
  • Amargasaurus
  • Amazon Kingfisher
  • Amazon Parrot
  • Amazon River Dolphin
  • Amazon Tree Boa
  • Amazonian Manatee
  • Amazonian Royal Flycatcher
  • Amberjack
  • Amboina Box Turtle
  • Ambrosia Beetle
  • American Alligator
  • American Alsatian
  • American Avocet
  • American Badger
  • American Bison
  • American Bittern
  • American Black Bear
  • American Bulldog
  • American Bullfrog
  • American Bully
  • American Chameleon
  • American Cocker Spaniel
  • American Cockroach
  • American Coonhound
  • American Coot
  • American Crocodile
  • American Crow
  • American Curl
  • American Dipper
  • American Dog Tick
  • American Eel
  • American Eskimo Dog
  • American Flamingo
  • American Foxhound
  • American Goldfinch
  • American Green Tree Frog
  • American Hairless Terrier
  • American Kestrel
  • American Leopard Hound
  • American Lion
  • American Marten
  • American Oystercatcher
  • American Oystercatcher Bird
  • American Paddlefish
  • American Pika
  • American Pit Bull Terrier
  • American Pugabull
  • American Pygmy Goat
  • American Quarter Horse
  • American Red Squirrel
  • American Robin
  • American Saddlebred
  • American Shorthair
  • American Softshell Turtle
  • American Sparrow
  • American Staffordshire Terrier
  • American Toad
  • American Warmblood
  • American Water Spaniel
  • American Wigeon
  • American Wirehair
  • Amethystine Python
  • Ammonite
  • Amphipod
  • Amur Leopard
  • Amur Tiger
  • Anaconda
  • Anaconda Snake
  • Anatolian Shepherd
  • Anatolian Shepherd Dog
  • Anchovies
  • Andalusian Horse
  • Andean Cat
  • Andean Condor
  • Andean Goose
  • Andean Mountain Cat
  • Andrewsarchus
  • Anemone
  • Angelfish
  • Angelshark
  • Angled Sunbeam Caterpillar
  • Anglerfish
  • Angolan Colobus
  • Angora Ferret
  • Angora Goat
  • Angulate Tortoise
  • Anhinga
  • Ankole-Watusi
  • Anna’s Hummingbird
  • Annulated Tree Boa
  • Anoa
  • Anole
  • Anole Lizard
  • Anomalocaris
  • Ant
  • Antarctic Krill
  • Antarctic Petrel
  • Antarctic Scale Worm
  • Antarctic Tern
  • Antarctic Toothfish
  • Anteater
  • Antelope
  • Antelope Jackrabbit
  • Anteosaurus
  • Antiguan Racer Snake
  • Antillean Iguana
  • Antillean Manatee
  • Aoudad
  • Aoudad Sheep
  • Ape
  • Apennine Wolf
  • Aplysia
  • Appaloosa
  • Appenzeller Dog
  • Apple Head Chihuahua
  • Apple Moth
  • Aquatic Warbler
  • Arabian Cobra
  • Arabian Horse
  • Arabian Mau
  • Arabian Sand Boa
  • Arabian Wolf
  • Arafura File Snake
  • Arambourgiania
  • Arapaima
  • Araucana
  • Archaeoindris
  • Archaeopteryx
  • Archaeotherium
  • Archelon Turtle
  • Archerfish
  • Arctic Char
  • Arctic Cod
  • Arctic Fox
  • Arctic Hare
  • Arctic Loon
  • Arctic Skua
  • Arctic Tern
  • Arctic Wolf
  • Arctodus
  • Arctotherium
  • Argentavis Magnificens
  • Argentine Black and White Tegu
  • Argentine Dogo
  • Argentine Horned Frog
  • Argentinosaurus
  • Arizona Bark Scorpion
  • Arizona Black Rattlesnake
  • Arizona Blonde Tarantula
  • Arizona Coral Snake
  • Armadillo
  • Armadillo Girdled Lizard
  • Armadillo Lizard
  • Armadillo Ray
  • Armenian Gampr
  • Armored Catfish
  • Armyworm
  • Arowana
  • Arrow Crab
  • Arrow Squid
  • Arsinoitherium
  • Arthropleura
  • Aruba Rattlesnake
  • Ascalaphidae
  • Ascidian
  • Ash-Throated Flycatcher
  • Ashy Mining Bee
  • Asian Arowana
  • Asian Black Bear
  • Asian Brown Flycatcher
  • Asian Carp
  • Asian Cockroach
  • Asian Crested Ibis
  • Asian Elephant
  • Asian Giant Hornet
  • Asian Glossy Starling
  • Asian Golden Cat
  • Asian Koel
  • Asian Lady Beetle
  • Asian Lion
  • Asian Longhorn Beetle
  • Asian Palm Civet
  • Asian Vine Snake
  • Asian Water Buffalo
  • Asian Water Monitor
  • Asiatic Black Bear
  • Asiatic Lion
  • Asp
  • Asp Caterpillar
  • Assassin Bug
  • Assassin Snail
  • Atitlán Grebe
  • Atlantic Blue Marlin
  • Atlantic Cod
  • Atlantic Dolphin
  • Atlantic Mackerel
  • Atlantic Puffin
  • Atlantic Sailfish
  • Atlantic Salmon
  • Atlantic Spadefish
  • Atlantic Spotted Dolphin
  • Atlantic Sturgeon
  • Atlantic White-Sided Dolphin
  • Atlantic Wolffish
  • Atlas Beetle
  • Atlas Moth
  • Attenborough’s Long-Beaked Echidna
  • Audubon’s Shearwater Bird
  • Auk
  • Aurochs
  • Aussie
  • Aussiedoodle
  • Aussiedor
  • Aussiepom
  • Australasian Grebe
  • Australian Bearded Dragon
  • Australian Brush-Turkey
  • Australian Bulldog
  • Australian Cattle Dog
  • Australian Cockroach
  • Australian Dingo
  • Australian Firehawk
  • Australian Flathead Perch
  • Australian Frilled Lizard
  • Australian Fur Seal
  • Australian Gecko
  • Australian Giant Cuttlefish
  • Australian Kelpie
  • Australian Kelpie Dog
  • Australian King Parrot
  • Australian Labradoodle
  • Australian Mist
  • Australian Pelican
  • Australian Raven
  • Australian Retriever
  • Australian Sea Lion
  • Australian Shelduck
  • Australian Shepherd
  • Australian Shepherd Mix
  • Australian Snake-Necked Turtle
  • Australian Swiftlet
  • Australian Terrier
  • Australian Turtle
  • Australian White Ibis
  • Australopithecus
  • Australorp Chicken
  • Austrian Pinscher
  • Avocet
  • Axanthic Ball Python
  • Axolotl
  • Ayam Cemani
  • Aye-Aye
  • Azawakh


Q: Are there any other articles about animal names on Hot Pets News – Pets and Animals?
A: Absolutely! Explore our extensive collection of articles featuring animals starting from A-Z, as well as other interesting lists like all vegetables and fruits. We’ve got all your animal-loving needs covered!


We hope you enjoyed this incredible journey through the animal kingdom, discovering the numerous creatures that start with the letter A. Remember to appreciate and protect these magnificent beings that share our planet. If you have a heartwarming story about your favorite animal, don’t hesitate to share it with a friend. Together, we can make a positive impact and create a better world for all living creatures.

Hot Pets News – Pets and Animals