64 Fascinating Animals that Start with X – Fun Facts

Are you curious about animals that start with the letter X? Well, get ready to be amazed because we have a fantastic list of 64 animals that start with the letter X, complete with fun facts and pictures. From mammals and birds to reptiles, amphibians, and fishes, we’ve got it all covered. So, let’s dive in and explore these incredible creatures together!

Mammals Starting with Letter X

Xanthippe’s Shrew

Xanthippe’s Shrew

Xanthippe’s shrew is a fascinating mammal that belongs to one of the 385 shrew species. These small creatures can be found in the dry savannas and tropical shrublands of Kenya and Tanzania. With their unique characteristics, Xanthippe’s shrews are sure to capture your attention.

Xoloitzcuintli or Xolo

The Xoloitzcuintli, also known as the Xolo, is a hairless dog breed native to Mexico. Available in three sizes (toy, miniature, and standard) and two varieties (hairless and coated), Xolos are known for their loyalty and strong bonds with their families. These dogs have a rich history and were considered man’s best friend by the Aztecs and Mayans.


Xenarthra is a superorder of mammals that includes anteaters, sloths, and armadillos. These fascinating creatures can be found in North and South America. Xenarthrans are known for their unusual bone joints and low metabolism, which make them slow-moving and submissive animals. The giant anteater, nine-banded armadillo, and brown-throated sloth are all part of the Xenarthra superorder.

Xenomys Nelsoni

Xenomys Nelsoni, also known as the Magdalena rat, is the smallest mammal from one of the rodent species in the world. Native to northwest Mexico, this tiny creature weighs only about half an ounce and measures two inches in length. Xenomys Nelsoni is truly a unique and marvelous mammal.

Xenurus Unicinctus

The cabassou, commonly known as the Southern Naked Tailed Armadillo or Xenurus Unicinctus, is native to South America. With its smooth, hairless body and a small, pointed tail that is not covered in protective armor like most armadillos, the cabassou is a skilled digger and can burrow underground to escape predators. Keep an eye out for this incredible creature!



Xerus, also known as the African ground squirrel, belongs to one of the species of African ground squirrels. These squirrels can survive for extended periods without water and have the ability to extract moisture from seeds. They are known for fluffing a layer of fur to keep warm in winter and stamping their hind legs to warn predators. The African ground squirrel is truly a remarkable creature.

Birds Starting with X

Xantus Becard

Xantus Becard

The Xantus Becard, also known as the Rose-throated Becard, is a rare and colorful bird species native to Central and South America. With its striking appearance, including a black and white striped head, green back, and red breast, the male Xantus Becard performs aerial acrobatics to impress potential mates. Keep an eye out for this beautiful bird!

Xantus’s Hummingbird

Xantus's Hummingbird

The Xantus’s Hummingbird is the only bird species found in Mexico. With its bright green head, chestnut brown underparts, and distinctive purple throat patch, this tiny bird is a sight to behold. Despite its small size, the young Xantus’s Hummingbirds are known for their fierce defense ability and territorial behavior. Watch out for these feisty little birds!

Xantus’s Murrelet

Xantus’s Murrelet is a tiny endangered seabird species found along the Pacific Ocean coast. These birds have the unique habit of laying their eggs on bare rocky ledges and cliffs to protect themselves from predators. Due to their nesting behavior, the Xantus’s Murrelet species was split into Scripps’s Murrelet and Guadalupe Murrelet. Keep an eye out for these adorable and resilient seabirds!

Xavier’s Greenbul

Xavier's Greenbul

Xavier’s Greenbul is a brightly colored songbird found in the forests of Central and West Africa. These beautiful birds help in controlling insect populations and dispersing seeds through their diet of insects and fruit. With their vibrant colors and melodious songs, Xavier’s Greenbuls are a true delight to encounter.



Xeme, also known as Sabine’s Gull, is a small migratory seabird found in the Arctic regions of North America and Asia. These birds feed on small fish, insects, and invertebrates and build their nests out of grass and moss on islands in the Arctic. Keep an eye out for these graceful and resourceful seabirds!

Xinjiang Ground Jay (Biddulph’s Ground Jay)

Xinjiang Ground Jay

The Xinjiang Ground-Jay, also known as Biddulph’s Ground Jay, is a small native bird from the Xinjiang region of northwest China. With its distinctive blue-gray head and neck, reddish-brown back and wings, this corvid family member is a true beauty. Keep an eye out for this charming and intelligent bird!



Xenicidae, commonly known as New Zealand wrens, is a small species of bird family. With the rifleman and the rock wren as the only two existing species, these birds live in the forested areas of New Zealand. Known for their high-pitched calls and energetic behavior, these small-sized, eco-friendly birds are a pleasure to observe.


Xenopterus is a genus of fish found in tropical waters. These fish are known for their sharp, pointed bill that resembles a sword. With their predatory nature, Xiphias gladius, commonly known as the Swordfish, is a fascinating species to encounter.

Reptiles Starting with X

Xantus’ Leaf-Toed Gecko

Xantus’ leaf-toed gecko is a species native to Baja, California, and northwest Mexico. These tiny geckos live in arid or semi-arid habitats, such as rocky outcrops and canyon walls. They are nocturnal and feed on insects. Keep an eye out for these cute and elusive reptiles.


Xantusia is a genus of lizards native to the southwest United States and northwest Mexico. With six known species, including the desert night lizard, the island night lizard, and the striped plateau lizard, Xantusia lizards are characterized by their smooth scales and flattened bodies. These fascinating creatures prefer rocky or sandy habitats and are known to give birth to young offspring.


Xenopeltis is a species of snake found in Southeast Asia. Known for its unique, shiny scales and long, slender body, the Xenopeltis snake is a non-venomous species that feeds on small rodents and birds. Keep an eye out for this agile and mesmerizing serpent.


Xenosaurus is a genus of terrestrial lizards found in Central and South America. These rainbow lizards are known for their brightly colored scales and adaptability to rocky environments. They primarily feed on insects and lay eggs to reproduce. Keep an eye out for these dazzling and agile reptiles.

Amphibians Starting with X

Xolocalca Bromeliad Salamander

Xolocalca Bromeliad Salamander

The Xolocalca Bromeliad Salamander is a small and brightly colored salamander species that lives in the forests of Mexico. These unique amphibians have adapted to living inside bromeliad plants, using the water-filled cups as a habitat. Unfortunately, the Xolocalca Bromeliad Salamander is endangered in certain areas and requires protection.

Xucaneb Robber Frog

The Xucaneb Robber Frog is a species of frog found in the tropical rainforests of Guatemala in Central America. Known for its bold behavior and tendency to steal insects from other animals, this small, brightly colored frog is an excellent climber, using its long toes and sticky pads to navigate the rainforest canopy. Keep an eye out for these agile and cunning frogs!


Xenopus is a genus of African clawed frogs native to sub-Saharan Africa. These frogs have played significant roles in scientific research, including pregnancy testing and the discovery of the structure of DNA. With 29 species and the ability to easily reproduce and develop, Xenopus frogs are true marvels of nature.

Fishes Starting with X

Xantic Sargo

Xantic Sargo, also known as California Sargo, is a member of the grunt fish family. Known for the grinding sound it makes with its pharyngeal teeth while eating, Xantic Sargo is native to the eastern coasts of the Pacific Ocean. With its pouty lips, silver-colored scales, and elongated body shape, this fish is a true delight to observe.

Xestus Sabretooth Blenny

The Xestus Sabretooth Blenny is a small saltwater fish found in the Pacific Ocean. Belonging to the family Blenniidae, this fish is known for its distinct saber-like teeth and elongated body. With their vibrant colors and omnivorous diet, Xestus Sabretooth Blennies are a fascinating addition to the underwater world.

Xingu Corydoras

Xingu Corydoras

The Xingu Corydoras, also known as the Xingu Catfish, is a tropical freshwater fish native to the Xingu River in Brazil. With its distinctive black and white stripes and breeding habits, the Xingu Corydoras is a captivating sight. Keep an eye out for these beautiful and fascinating catfish.

Xingu River Ray

The Xingu River Ray, also known as the White-Blotched River Stingray, is a species of fish found in the upper Xingu River Basin in Brazil. With its blackish body and white dots, this freshwater ray can grow up to 2 feet in length. Unfortunately, this fascinating fish is endangered due to habitat loss and overfishing.

XL Spring Tui Chub

The XL Spring Tui Chub is a freshwater fish belonging to the Cyprinidae family. Commonly found in lakes, ponds, and streams in North America, this fish is known for its brightly colored fins and energetic nature. Keep an eye out for this vibrant and lively fish.

X-ray Tetra

X-ray Tetra Fish is a small, colorful fish found in the Amazon Basin of South America. These fish get their name from the distinctive black stripes on their transparent skin, which make their bones and internal organs visible. X-ray Tetra fish swim together in large groups to protect themselves from predators. Keep an eye out for these mesmerizing and unique creatures.


Xanthichthys is a genus of triggerfish found in the tropical waters of the Pacific and Indian Oceans. Known for their bright colors and ability to lock their pectoral fins to secure themselves in coral crevices, Xanthichthys triggerfish make clicking noises when threatened or annoyed. Keep an eye out for these stunning and charismatic fish.



Xenaploactis, also known as velvet fishes, is a group of small, brightly colored fish native to the freshwater streams and rivers of Southeast Asia. These fish are known for their iridescent velvet-like appearance, which results from tiny scales covering their bodies. Keep an eye out for these dazzling and unique fish.


Xenopterus is a genus of fish found in tropical waters. With its unique features and distinct long and slender beak-like snout, Xenopterus is a fascinating species. These fish feed on small insects, crustaceans, and small fish, and are often found in swamps. Keep an eye out for these extraordinary fish!


Xenichthys is a genus of ray-finned fishes found in the coastal waters of Japan, China, and Korea. With its distinctive flattened head and prominent eyes, Xenichthys is a captivating fish species. Keep an eye out for these flathead fish as you explore the oceans!


Xenisthmus is a genus of wrigglers, a small fish commonly found in the tropical waters of the Western Atlantic. With their elongated bodies and small fins, these fish are typically found in shallow, rocky environments. Known for their agility and swimming skills, Xenisthmus fish are a delight to observe.


Xenistius is a genus of grunts, a type of fish known for the grunting noise they make when caught. With their unique characteristics and behavior, Xenistius fish are a fascinating addition to ocean life.

Xenobalistes loveridgei

Xenobalistes loveridgei is a species of cyprinid fish found in Lake Victoria, the largest lake in Africa. With their unique attributes and presence in this iconic lake, Xenobalistes loveridgei fish are a true wonder to behold.


Xenorostrum is a genus of birds that belong to the family Furnariidae. These birds are native to South America and are known for their distinctive calls and energetic behavior.


Xenocypris is a genus of small fish found in rivers, streams, and lakes across Asia. They are known for their vibrant colors and ability to adapt to various aquatic habitats. Keep an eye out for these small yet stunning fish.


Xenodermichthys is a species of fish found in deep-water environments. Known as slickheads, these fish have smooth, scale-less skin that helps them adapt to extreme pressure and low light conditions. Keep an eye out for these unique and fascinating deep-sea creatures.


Xenomystax is a genus of eels found in specific areas. These eels have the incredible ability to regenerate lost body parts, making them a rare and remarkable species among fish.

Xenopterus Naritus

Xenopterus Naritus, also known as the Bronze Puffer, is a type of fish found in tropical waters. With its distinctive appearance and behavior, this fish is a true marvel of nature.


Xenotilapia is a genus of cichlids native to Lake Tanganyika, Africa. With 16 known species, these colorful fish are a delight to observe. Keep an eye out for these stunning and diverse cichlids as you explore the freshwater world.


Xenurobrycon is a genus of characins found in South America. With six known species, these fish are known for their vibrant colors and lively nature. Keep an eye out for these energetic and playful creatures.

Xestochilus Nebulosus

Xestochilus Nebulosus, also known as the Nebulous Snake Eel, is a type of fish found in tropical waters. With its distinct appearance and swimming behavior, this fish is a fascinating addition to underwater ecosystems.

Xiphias gladius

Xiphias gladius, commonly known as the Swordfish, is a predatory fish known for its sharp, pointed bill. With its large size and distinct appearance, the Swordfish is a true icon of the ocean.


Xiphophorus is a genus of tooth-carps found in Central and South America. With 28 different species, these fish are known for their vibrant colors and diverse patterns. Keep an eye out for these beautiful and lively fish!


Xiurenbagrus is a genus of torrent catfishes found in Asia. With three known species, these fish are known for their adaptations to fast-flowing rivers and streams. Keep an eye out for these fascinating and resilient catfish.

Xyelacyba Myersi

Xyelacyba Myersi, also known as the Gargoyle Cusk, is a type of fish found in the Western Atlantic Ocean. With its unique appearance and behavior, this fish is sure to capture your attention.


Xyliphius is a genus of catfishes found in South America. With seven known species, these fish are known for their adaptations to various aquatic habitats. Keep an eye out for these fascinating and diverse catfish.


Xyrias is a genus of snake eels found in tropical waters. With their unique elongated bodies and burrowing behavior, these eels are a true marvel of nature.


Xyrichtys is a genus of wrasses found in the Indo-Pacific region. With 12 known species, these fish are known for their vibrant colors and interesting behavior. Keep an eye out for these charismatic and lively wrasses.


Xystreurys is a genus of large-tooth flounders found in the Western Atlantic Ocean. With two known species, these fish are known for their unique appearance and adaptability. Keep an eye out for these intriguing and well-adapted flounders.


Xystichromis is a genus of cichlids found in Lake Tanganyika, Africa. With their distinctive patterns and behavior, these fish are a true delight to observe. Keep an eye out for these colorful and fascinating cichlids!

That’s it for our list of fascinating animals that start with the letter X! We hope you enjoyed this journey through the animal kingdom. If you want to learn more about animals that begin with other letters, be sure to check out our other articles. And remember, there are still so many incredible creatures out there waiting to be discovered. Happy exploring!

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