The Fascinating World of Animals in the Tree of Life

Welcome to Hot Pets News – Pets and Animals, where we uncover the enchanting connections between animals and the mystical Tree of Life. In the Western magical tradition, the Tree of Life serves as a doorway to understanding the universe, and within it, animals play a significant role. Let’s dive into this captivating realm where creatures come alive with symbolism and meaning.

The 10 Sephiroth: Animal Symbolism

Within the Tree of Life, the ten Sephiroth represent different aspects of existence. Interestingly, each Sephira is associated with specific animals, both real and imaginary. Here are some enchanting connections:

  • Kether: The first Sephira, symbolizing the divine, is linked to the swan, hawk, and God himself.
  • Chokmah: Representing wisdom, this Sephira is associated with man.
  • Binah: The feminine aspect finds expression through the imagery of women and bees.
  • Chesed: The Sephira of compassion resonates with the mythical unicorn.
  • Geburah: Symbolizing strength, the basilisk finds its place here.
  • Tiphareth: The heart of the Tree, Tiphareth, encompasses various animals like the phoenix, lion, child, spider, and pelican.
  • Netzach: This Sephira, associated with victory, finds connection with the lynx, raven, and carrion birds.
  • Hod: The hermaphrodite, jackal, and twin serpents are symbolic of the intellect and communication of this Sephira.
  • Yesod: Representing the foundation, Yesod’s animal symbols include the elephant, tortoise, and toad.
  • Malkuth: The final Sephira, Malkuth, resonates with the majestic Sphinx.

The 22 Paths: Animals and the Elements

In addition to the Sephiroth, the 22 paths of the Tree of Life also have animal correspondences, especially related to the elements. Here are some fascinating connections:

The Elements

  • Aleph (Air): The eagle, man (Cherub of Air), and ox symbolize the essence of this path.
  • Mem (Water): The path of water finds expression through the eagle-snake-scorpion (Cherub of Water).
  • Shin (Fire): Fire’s fierce energy is embodied by the regal lion (Cherub of Fire).
  • Earth: The bull (Cherub of Earth) represents the grounding and stability of the Earth element.
  • Spirit: If sworded and crowned, the sphinx embodies the spiritual realm.

The Planets

  • Beth (Mercury): This path resonates with the swallow, ibis, ape, twin serpents, and fish.
  • Gimel (Luna): The mystical connection to the Moon incorporates the dog, stork, and camel.
  • Daleth (Venus): The path of love and beauty includes the sparrow, dove, and sow.
  • Kaph (Jupiter): Jupiter’s influence is represented by the majestic eagle and the praying mantis.
  • Pé (Mars): The horse, bear, wolf, and boar embody the fiery energy of Mars.
  • Resh (Sol): Symbolizing the Sun, this path is connected to the lion, sparrowhawk, and leopard.
  • Tau (Saturn): The crocodile, a mysterious and ancient creature, holds this path’s symbolism.

The Zodiac

  • Hé (Aries): Ram and owl represent the fiery and mysterious Aries.
  • Vau (Taurus): The bull, also representing the Cherub of Earth, reminds us of Taurus’ grounded nature.
  • Zain (Gemini): This path encompasses the playful magpie, hybrids, parrots, zebras, and penguins.
  • Cheth (Cancer): Crabs, turtles, sphinxes, whales, and all beasts of transport find their place on this path.
  • Teth (Leo): Lion, cat, tiger, and serpent embody the powerful energy of Leo and the Cherub of Fire.
  • Yod (Virgo): Solitary figures like the virgin, anchorite, and even the rhinoceros resonate with the path of Virgo.
  • Lamed (Libra): The path of balance is represented by the gentle elephant and the delicate spider.
  • Nun (Scorpio): Scorpions, beetles, crayfish, lobsters, wolves, reptiles, sharks, and crablouses populate this path.
  • Samekh (Sagittarius): Centaurs, horses, hippogriffs, and loyal dogs embody the adventurous spirit of Sagittarius.
  • Ayin (Capricorn): The path of Capricorn resonates with the goat, ass, and oyster.
  • Tzaddi (Aquarius): This path combines the essence of man or eagle (Cherub of Air) and the beauty of the peacock.
  • Qoph (Pisces): Fish, dolphins, beetles, dogs, and jackals are the beings associated with the path of Pisces.


Q1: What is the Tree of Life?
The Tree of Life is a powerful concept used in the Western magical tradition to understand the universe and its interconnectedness. It serves as a conceptual filing cabinet within the larger system of the Qabalah.

Q2: Who developed these animal correspondences?
These animal correspondences were gathered together by Aleister Crowley and documented in his book, Liber 777. Crowley was a renowned figure in mystical teachings and the founder of the philosophical system known as Thelema.

Q3: Can I adopt an animal associated with a specific path or Sephira?
While the animals serve as symbolic representations, adopting a pet should be a personal choice based on compatibility, responsibility, and care. However, understanding the symbolism behind certain animals can add depth to our connection with them.


The Tree of Life unveils a captivating world where animals intertwine with mystical symbolism. From the majestic lion to the mythical phoenix, each creature carries a unique essence within this magical framework. We hope this glimpse into the connection between animals and the Tree of Life has sparked your curiosity and inspired a deeper appreciation for the creatures that share our world.

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Hot Pets News – Pets and Animals