Sacred Animals of Ancient Egypt: Unveiling the Marvels of Mummification!

Ancient Egypt was a civilization that revered animals as divine beings and incorporated them into daily life and religious practices. The Egyptians believed that certain creatures embodied specific gods and considered them sacred. These animals were not only respected but also thought to possess immense power. Many Egyptian towns worshipped a particular god and regarded the associated animal as sacred. In most cases, the gods themselves were depicted with a combination of human and animal features, typically an animal head atop a human body.

The Majestic Hawk

The hawk held a special place in Egyptian beliefs as it was believed to possess protective powers and had strong associations with royalty. These rulers of the skies were seen as guardians of the Earth, shielding it with their formidable wings. In artistic depictions, hawks were often portrayed hovering over the pharaoh’s head, symbolizing divine protection.

  • The god Horus, the deity of the sky, was represented with a hawk or falcon’s head.
  • Ra, the omnipotent sun god, also had a hawk’s head atop a man’s body, wearing a sun-disc headdress.

The Wolf or Jackal

Wolves or jackals were frequently observed around tombs and burial sites in Ancient Egypt, leading to their association with death and the afterlife.

  • The god Anubis, the guardian of the dead, was traditionally depicted with what scientists now believe to be a wolf’s head. His black head symbolized the fertile soil of the Nile. Anubis played a crucial role in the mummification process and guided souls in the journey after death. He weighed the heart of the deceased against the Feather of Truth. If the heart equaled the weight of the feather, the soul would proceed to paradise. However, if the heart was heavier, it would be consumed by the monster goddess Ammut, and the soul would vanish forever.

The Revered Lioness or Cat

Cats held enormous significance in Ancient Egyptian culture. They were believed to bring good fortune to their owners, who treated them as cherished companions. Wealthy Egyptians adorned these treasured felines with jewels and pampered them with royal treats.

  • Bastet/Bast, the goddess of childbirth, fertility, and joy, was originally depicted with a lioness’s head. However, over time, her image transformed, and she came to be represented with the head of a domestic cat.

Lioness or Cat

The Mighty Nile Crocodile

Beasts dwelling in the River Nile commanded both reverence and fear among the ancient Egyptians. They believed that taming the crocodile would grant them protection from danger.

  • Sebek, a male god, possessed the head or even the entire body of a crocodile. Temples dedicated to Sebek featured lakes filled with cared-for crocodiles.
  • Ammut, a female crocodile god, was known as the devourer of the dead. She was believed to punish wrongdoers by consuming their hearts.

The Revered Cattle


Ancient Egypt is replete with tombs and burial sites, many of which house the mummified remains of millions of animals. Mummification was a thriving industry in Ancient Egypt, and a wide range of creatures was preserved within catacombs. These preserved animals included cats, frogs, falcons, baboons, vultures, lizards, snakes, fish, and even beetles!

But why did the ancient Egyptians embark on such elaborate preservation?

  1. Sacrifices to the gods: Animals associated with specific gods were sacrificed as offerings to appease them. Similar to lighting votive candles in modern churches, the ancient Egyptians would purchase small mummified animals as offerings when visiting temples.

  2. Sacred animals and VIPs: Domestic cats, for example, were mummified as beloved members of the family, considered to be VIPs in their own right.

  3. Unimportant animals: Less significant animals were preserved as provisions for humans or other sacred animals in the afterlife.

Mummification methods were so effective that many animal mummies have survived intact to this day. The mummification process for animal VIPs paralleled that of revered human individuals.

If you enjoyed unraveling the secrets of Ancient Egypt, you’ll want to dive deeper into the incredible world of river monsters in issue 55 of Hot Pets News – Pets and Animals!


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