With The Last Of Her Strength, She Scrambled To Her Feet And Cried For Help. No One Noticed The Cat!

A few months ago, I saw the cat from the balcony. It just lay there and looked at me. I went downstairs, went to her, and realized that what happened to the cat was bad. The cat has no face, nose, or front teeth is full of sores and have an eye infection.

The poor cat can barely move! I could not leave her in such a state and immediately, took the cat to the veterinary clinic. The doctor made presumptive diagnoses – infection and cancer. Honestly, I was scared to meet such a badly injured animal. I don’t know what to do to help it!

Currently, I live in a foreign city, and all the veterinary hospitals refuse to accept this cat, they are afraid it will have an infectious disease. I don’t know anyone here so I can at least send the cat to them. So, I left it in the bathroom, I was risking the cat’s life. But I have no other choice.

Leaving her out on the street is like leaving her cat’s life. Because it is so weak, the cat cannot eat and drink on its own! But then, when I drove her to the clinic, she snarled all the way, maybe she realized it was going to help.

After a period of treatment, the poor cat’s condition is getting better, but she will have to stay in the hospital for a while before coming home with me. Yes, I will adopt this poor cat once it recovers. She won’t have to struggle with the cruel world out there anymore, and I’ll give her the best life I can.


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