Why Did The Neighbors Let Her Leave The Cat Like That? They Don’t Love The Cat Or For Some Other Reason ?

They just left him in the street, I don’t know the reason and I’m the neighbor that lives right across the street, directly in front of their house.

I just can’t believe it because he was so old. He just sits there waiting for his owners to come home. He looks up for any car movement

Whether it was rainy, windy, or cold he would wait out there and be so calm.

I just wanted to get close to him, touch him and talk to him. I was feeding him but he was losing a lot of weight fast, seems like he was stressed.

I was trying to gain his trust then he could come and live with me but also I want to bring him to the vet, so we took him to the vet that day.

I told the vet that just gives him all the tests, and he had to stay there for four days and then I went to pick him up on that day so he was in such a better state already, he wasn’t in pain.

I named him Polo.!When the first time I brought him, he would kinda forget he lived here, he explores my house, but he still look across the street to find his owners because he was with them
for two years.

I just started talking to him and playing with him more and he’s so playful for his age.He loves playing with balls and his favorite do is to roll in the spot with the most dirt and just roll in it

Polo likes being outside, he’s not used to being picked up. We moved out the washer, we put it in the kitchen and we made that room for him with favorite toys handmade by my boyfriend.

During the time that he lived with me, I become his best friend, he follow me whenever I go outside.The best thing is that we gave him not only a new family but a new life.!


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