This Silly Cat Eats Like Never Before, It Even Uses “hands” To Reach For Food!

A recent netizen’s gluttonous cat is very cute. The owner has a British gray cat. Although he is quite small, he can’t eat much, but he loves it when every time the owner eats, he is right next to him like he wants to eat.

Cats are nocturnal animals, to maintain good vision, cats need to supplement with a good amount of nutrients called Taurine, which is found in fish and mouse meat – this is why cats love to eat fish and meat. mouse!

On this day, pet owners are eating at home. The scent of the shrimp caught the cat’s attention, he stared at the shrimp and even used his hand to touch the shrimp from the owner.

Netizens left comments: “so cute, I’ll give him a slap”, “not really wanting to eat, just curious”, and “I feed him every time and the cats stare and pull like that”.

Research shows that cats’ vision is best at night compared to humans and worst during the day.

Regarding the behavior of cats, some netizens who used to raise cats lack understanding and need to prevent and educate them strictly. But some people think that cats are just pets, they just need to have fun every day, and it is not necessary to educate or teach them like a child.

Both of the above ideas are correct, if the cat is too curious and interferes with the owner’s meal, it needs to be taught. But these cats are sure to be naughty and pet owners will easily soften and forgive them. And on top of that, every cat owner often has a different way of teaching them!

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