This Is The Reason Why This Cat Is Abandoned By Everyone. After Detailed Examination, The Wounds Revealed This!

This story took place this summer. The little foundling was transferred to the animal rescue center, as he needed urgent help. The cat staggered when walking, she had fleas and a congenital cleft palate. When the cat got rid of annoying fleas, washed and fed, she became more active.

After a detailed examination, the baby was diagnosed with hydrocephalus (fluid accumulation in the brain) and incomplete blindness. She needed special care and a caring owner. One of the workers of the shelter, having learned about the state of the animal, sincerely fell in love with him. She and her boyfriend decided that they could take care of the baby.

Now the cat’s name is Penelope, he quickly got used to a new place of residence, loves to play with toys, and often fawns on loving owners. Features of the development of the cat did not make her less active and beautiful. Penelope has partially left her eyesight, so she can be friends with other cats that live with her.

But most of all she likes to lie in her arms with her master Denis. She always wants to be near him, sleeps next to him, and the like. As it turned out, they have a mutual love. Today, the kitty enjoys every day and does not forget to express gratitude to the owners who gave her a chance for a full life. Penelope grows up and surprises her owners every day with her new successes. Let’s wish them happiness.


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