So you think you know cats? Take the cat quiz below to prove it!
#2. How high can cats jump?
#3. What is the top speed of a domestic cat?
#4. The richest cat in history is Tommaso, a former stray from Rome. When his owner died how much money did he leave him?
#5. How many kittens were in the largest litter ever recorded?
#6. Himmy, from Australia, was the fattest domestic cat on record, how much did he weigh at his heaviest?
#7. Dusty, a tabby cat from Texas, holds the record for having had the most kittens ever recorded over the course of her life. How many kittens did she have in total?
#8. In what year was cat litter invented?
#9. Colonel Meow holds the world record for the domestic cat with the longest fur, how long was his fur?
#10. What is a male cat called?
#11. What is the name for a group of cats?
#12. How were people punished in ancient egypt for killing a cat?
#13. Cats can’t taste which of these flavours?
#14. The Cat Flap was invented by who?
#15. True of False: Cats are more popular pets than dogs in the U.S..
#16. How many years of its life has the average 12-year-old cat slept through?
#17. How many breeds of cat does the Cat Fanciers Association recognise?
#18. Where do cats sweat from?
#19. Male cats which are both orange and black are likely to be…
#20. How did ancient Egyptians mourn when their cat died?
You absolutely smashed this quiz, you truly are a cat expert, great work, well done.
Don’t forget to tell your cat how well you did so they can pretend they don’t care!
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Oops, looks like you’ve still got a bit of work to do before you can really call yourself a fully-fledged cat expert!
Why not have a read of some of our to help get your feline knowledge up to scratch and then come back and have another go..
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If you struggled with that then why not have a read of to stock up on feline knowledge.
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