The Three-legged Cat Has A Strong Will To Live, But Luck Does Not Smile At Me Again!

This poor cat appeared in an abandoned house, the cat lost a leg and part of its tail, and his eyes have probably gone through a lot of suffering and are as sad as human eyes! The cat named Bomer! In 2012, Bomer was adopted by John, a good Canadian man, Jack loves Bomer very much. But there’s one big problem, Bomer doesn’t want to be a house cat at all!

So Jack and Bomer seem to have agreed that Bomer will visit Jack often, and then the cat will leave.
But then everything suddenly changed, a few years later, Jack died, but he never forgot his friend. Before leaving, Jack asked his relatives to take care of Bomer to help him, they wanted to fulfill Jack’s wish.

The story doesn’t end there, life has given Bomer a second chance, and everyone in Jack’s family lost faith when Bomer left suddenly, but in 2019, Bomer reappeared in the neighborhood where Jack used to live. A neighbor recognized Bomer and remembered how much Jack used to love this cat.

Bomer is quite old now and the winter weather is getting worse, so the good neighbor was worried about the worst that could happen so he decided to visit the house where Jack used to live and told the new owner of the house the story of Bomer and ask the owner to let the cat Bomer in the house next time.

The next day, Jack’s neighbor got a call, it was from the new owner of that house.


The neighbor came over and realized it was Bomer, he and the new owner decided to take it to the animal camp, the cat is dehydrated and has been beaten, if it is on the street, the cat may not be able to survive the winter.

A few days later, a volunteer at the animal shelter adopted Bomer, it was supposed to be a temporary adoption at first, but the volunteer felt attached to it.

Bomer is quite excited about the new house with the volunteers, Bomer has the joy he once had. From then on, it decided to stay with the volunteers and not adventure outside anymore, obediently and peacefully in the volunteer’s arms.

Bomer lived peacefully like that until cancer raged, and Boomer gradually ran out of life, she volunteered to be the new owner by Bomer’s side and did not leave until the cat took its last breath. Goodbye Bomer, thank you Bomer for inspiring everyone. Wish Bomer live in a happy paradise!

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