The Newly Adopted Tiny Cat As Its Owner Cried When He Was A Baby, Causing The Owner To Lose Money Because He Broke His Arm When He Jumped To The Ground.

Recently in the group “Slandering dogs and cats”, a girl posted a picture of her cat who just broke her arm because of jumping to the ground, making the online community excited because it was too funny.

The owner of the cat with a broken arm posted the following content: “Just the other day he asked other cats to dance and wreak havoc, today he fell and broke his arm… I don’t know why the cat got injured. He fell and broke his arm… After leaving the hospital, the doctor told him to eat less, he’s already fat! He’s not fat, he just looks like a cake.”

Immediately, the article received more than 1,500 likes and hundreds of funny comments from the online community.

Does the cat with a cast on his right hand wearing a speaker look hurt…

Everyone knows that cats can land from any height with four very flexible legs, for some reason this cat can break his arm when landing.

Cats are animals that are difficult to hurt when dropped from a height or thrown away. Because the cat’s feet are like a set of shock absorbers, and the cat’s body in a free fall state almost immediately regains balance thanks to the balance reflex that helps it turn to the appropriate position to land.

After diagnosing your cat with a broken leg, you can take it to the veterinary clinic where X-ray films and bandages can be taken for the cat to heal quickly.

If you diagnose your cat with only sprains and bruises, you can give first aid at home by applying ice to the cat’s sprained area. If the cat has a broken bone, the first thing you should do before giving first aid is to put the cat’s muzzle back on.

Next, you find the position of the cat with a broken head and then take 2 pieces of wood to brace and tie it with cloth, then take the cat to the vet.

If you do not bandage your cat, you can take it to the nearest medical station for timely treatment by the doctor. After performing the above first aid steps, you let your cat lie still in a place that does not allow much activity to ensure their place is always clean.

You can add foods Calcium, Vitamin A, and D for cats, which can be accompanied by sunbathing for cats in the early morning.

If the family can afford it, they can take the cat for regular check-ups to see how the recovery is. Typically with cats, after 3-4 weeks, the cat will stop swelling and can move slightly and after 12-16 weeks, the cat will recover completely.

Note: Kittens will heal faster than big cats, so pay attention to them!


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