The Kitten Was Used As Bait To Hit The Dog, But It Survived!

It is so sad to realize that in our seemingly enlightened 21st century there are still people who mock poor little animals and get pleasure from them. It’s just outrageous. Unfortunately, our story today is just about that. Just look at this poor kid.  Since birth, this cat has learned that people can be very cruel.

No one knows in whose negligent hands this defenseless creature has been, but this is not so important. The main thing is that the cat was able to survive after such cruel treatment. The baby was seen on the street. It was not easy not to notice this cat, because some bad person painted it with blue paint, which, as you know, is very harmful to animals.

The foundling was taken to a volunteer organization that helps animals. Those, in turn, showed him to the veterinarian, who offered to euthanize the kitten and not torture him. However, animal rights activists did not go to extreme measures and turned to another clinic. They were helped there. Veterinarians are sure that someone used the baby as a kind of toy and bait for fighting dogs.

The kitten was immediately shaved bald so that a new, normal one would grow in place of the dyed wool. But under the wool immediately found wounds and scratches. The kitten was named Smurf for the blue color of the coat. Now his story has become public knowledge. Smurf is lucky:

hundreds of people want to take him home! However, so far this cannot be done, because the baby has not fully restored his health. We hope he’s all right!


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