Rescue The Kitten Whose Body Is Greasy!

This kitten was once helped by a boy to bring back to the collective garage to take care of, after returning to visit the cat, the boy saw that the cat was still uncared for.

His body was covered with oil and grease, quite difficult to move.

The boy decided to bring the cat to his friend’s house to bathe it, when bathing the kitten, the boy realized that it not only had dirty oil on it, but it was motorbike oil, it was difficult to separate it from the cat’s fur.

It is a hard oil to clean, after bathing the kitten and drying it, the guy used cooking oil to clean the slime and it was very effective.

After wiping off the motorcycle oil on the cat, the boy bathed the cat again, fortunately, he did not find any wounds on its body, perhaps when he returned, the cat had gone. Wandering around looking for food but got stuck in car oil.
The kitten is quite docile when taken care of, usually, cats often attack, and scratch people to force them to bathe, but this case is an exception, the cat does not resist at all.

The boy could not afford to raise him, so he still left him at the old place and asked people to help him with food and water, the boy contacted the animal rescue team to take care of him and he will be received as soon as possible.!

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