People Abandoned This Cat, But The Dog Did Not. She Became The Mother Of An Abandoned Kitten!

A dog named Kashtanka herself was not spoiled by fate, and her life was dog-like. She lived on the street and ran between yards in search of food. In many yards, some people treated the dog with sympathy.

In one courtyard, food and water were left for her, in another, an old armchair was taken outside so that she could sleep at night, not on cold concrete. After a while, Kashtanka whelped, but, unfortunately, her babies did not survive.

The dog was very upset by his loss, and she went running around the city, but at the end of the same day, she brought a small kitten to her usual place. Sitting down with him in a chair, Kashtanka began to feed the baby. The kitten looked to be about a month old, hungry, dirty, and did not understand what was happening.

Kashtanka adopted the baby, she not only fed but also carefully licked him, and warmed him at night. The locals were very surprised by the attachment of a dog to a cat because everyone is used to the fact that these animals are sworn enemies.

An unusual couple attracted the attention of many, it helped them find their home. Both animals were taken by one seed, together they live in their home and enjoy the love and care they receive from people.

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