No One Wanted To Take The Orphaned Kitten, So They Decided To Get Rid Of It!

This small and defenseless kitten was only three weeks old when he was rescued from euthanasia.

A wonderful little boy named Buddy is incredibly lucky, because kind people gave him a chance for a happy life! The kitten had a rough start in life. He was found on the street, all alone.

Left without maternal care, the cub suffered from dehydration, lack of weight and general

weakness. His eyes festered under the influence of a serious viral infection.

To survive, the foundling needed urgent help from people… The kitten was taken to a local shelter, where its fate was uncertain for a long time.

The weight of the cub at that time was only 200 grams, which is very small for a three-week-old kitten. After cleaning the eye and treating the respiratory infection, the baby felt much better.

In order for the baby to recover faster, an experienced volunteer was assigned to take care of her.

She bottle-fed her charge every two hours. A weak kitten, at first, he could not suck milk, he simply did not have enough strength for this. But, most importantly, all the worst is left behind!

Within a week, Buddy had put on a few grams.

He had the energy that he spent studying the world around him and getting to know people. As soon as the baby grows up and recovers from the illness, volunteers will find him a new home and loving foster parents.

An abandoned stray kitten turned out to be a lucky one because he was given a second life!


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