I Was Surprised When I Followed The Mother Cat With A Broken Leg And Saw Its Whole Family In The Bushes.

One day in the morning, a mother cat came into our garden, and she screamed for food, her left hind leg was paralyzed and it was difficult to move.

I thought that I was going to take her to the vet but I had to find out her litter first! But quite hard to find her kittens. I gave her some cat food

Then  I asked around the neighborhood if anyone saw the kitten just let me know.

And then a few days later, I was able to follow her to the place where she took care of her children, after walking for a while, I saw her jump into a bush by the road.

Here it is, so this is her “home”, she takes care of her children here,  she had five little cute kittens!

Then I go back to my home, grabbed the cage, and took them to the vet, she was watching our move related to her kittens, they’re about 4 weeks old and luckily the kittens are very healthy!

Then the vet do the X-ray and told us that a fracture in her left femur happened a long time ago, and the cat can go on like this for now

The mother cat and her kitten will stay at the clinic for a few days and while they stay there, I’ll go and search for a foster home.

Then we found a very good foster home for them to stay in! They will stay at my mother’s friend’s house temporarily, the mother cat explores every corner of the house and after that, she starts to clean for her kittens, what a warm mother cat.

We planned that they will stay here until the kitten is at least 3 months old, and we still looking for a foster home for each one of them.

And we hope that they will stay together forever.

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