Found this poor wet kitten on rainny day! Give her a life.

While riding a motorcycle in the afternoon, suddenly I saw this kitten screaming for help.!

Just wonder how this baby kitten can end up here.

I decided to bring her back home. And seem’s like she is so happy when she met me, I named her Brave!


She is wet, and just bone and skin!

I boil the water and wait for it to cool down to bathe her because Brave smell so bad and is covered with dirt.

I used baby shampoo to bathe her because I don’t have cat shampoo.

Then I dry her with a towel for a while, and also cleaned her eyes as well.

She was sleeping on a towel after drying. Seem’s like she like there.

I fed him some milk and some food, she eat more food than I expected! That’s the good news.

Look how cute she is, she’s like: “Thanks, I’m better now”!

She is ready to explore the world.

Now she doesn’t have to worry about her life at all.!

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