Abandoned Kittens, Hungry, Thirsty And Crying For Help

This little kitten was found by me after being abandoned by the mother cat, very thirsty and hungry.!

I gave him some milk, I cried when I saw that he couldn’t drink milk on his own, I had to use a syringe to pump him.

Looks like it hasn’t been taken care of by mom for quite some time.

It’s too young like babies who are always screaming for milk.

It looks very happy because I come and take care of it, maybe it feels my love for it, I will feed it, or somehow help it, give it enough food.

I am a peron who loves animals, especially cats, they are very cute And it’s sad because there are still so many kittens left on the streets, with no shelter, no food, and no love, I always try to help those cats as much as I can.

It’s so lonely and runs around like he wants to find his mother, he needs his family

The cat I help is too young to survive alone, it can die at any time if no one helps!

Try to help these poor cats once, they will bring you a lot of wonderful things Even ease the pain, because they are so cute.!

Currently, it has been adopted by a kind man, hopefully from here on it will have a better new life.

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