A tale of a special relationship between people and nature’s most untamed animals is told in “The Man Who Runs With the Wolves.”

German photographer explains in his own words how he learned to take good photographs of his favorite subject, the wolves.

“The most important thing to me are happily combined subjects. For example, my love for animals has led me to become a photographer, but the combination of animals and the camera is a challenge for me.

You can’t force an animal to do something. This is both an advantage and disadvantage. With animals there is no second chance nor can you really prepare for the shoot.

What good is great weather, the perfect backdrop and an excellent image detail, when the main character is taking a nap behind a tree.

Speed and fast reflexes are needed here. A good camera and a fast lens is not absolutely necessary, but it simplifies the work immensely. To compensate for difficult animal shots, I also like to work with buildings or “models”.”


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