A Cat With An Injured Leg Begged For Help, It Was Thirsty And Very Hungry!

I came across this cat on my way home when I heard it purring under the car, the cat calling me from there!Her leg seems to hurt and she screaming because she was very hungry, she look at me and cried for help.

So I try to call her to come closer to give her some food, she eats fast, and seems to have been hungry for quite some time!

Poor thing, I wish I could help her more, I want to take her home to take care of her but the laws in my area don’tallow it. Because if she’s on the street, she can’t easily get food when her leg hurts.So I decided to take her to my colony now she eats and sleeps well.

Seem’s like she isn’t an indoor cat, that’s why she lives where she wants to live.But we are friends now, I got her trust with food and care.

Don’t worry, tomorrow I will take her to the vet so that the doctors can check her health as well as the condition of her leg. I hope with my love she will recover quickly!

I love her so much!

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