Rescue stray cat.! How this sick and starving kitten changed.

We saw this kitten on the way while we walked for lunch.

He looked up and saw us, we don’t know what happened with his eyes. He immediately crawls towards us, maybe he need help!

We decided to pick him up in the jacket and drove straight to the vet clinic. The vet said that he’s about 4 weeks old.

The vet checked and told us that he is severely malnourished, and his eye is infected. He just had only 50 percent of survival. That is so bad for the moment!

The doctor said that we were given a choice… that surrender or keep him!

We decided to take him home and named him Winston

We fed Winston every 4 hours but after one week, he got worse so we took Winston back to the vet. The vet said that he was dehydrated and gave him fluids, and wait for the result.

After the test result, Winston shows us signs of improvement.

A few days later, he started to come out and stand by himself, Winston let us put ointment in his infected eye

Then that night, we bathed him to remove the fleas on his body

His eye started to heal and he can open it. He learned how to groom himself, he followed me everywhere and want to play with me.

Winston began showing his personality in his new home!

After a few weeks, he grew stronger! And his eye completely healed.

A few months later, we took Winston to the vet for another check-up, and all the test result was clear. We are so happy!

He gains more weight and lives his best life.

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