This Poor Little Kitten Was Waiting For A Miracle

On the way home, we met the poor kitten in a bad condition.

We immediately take him to the vet but the problem was this was Sunday so all the vet clinics are closed, we called many vets but they didn’t answer or didn’t want to help.

The situation got worse and the poor kitten had just a few hours left.

Luckily, one vet agreed to open the clinic for helping this kitten.!

This kitten refused to drink water or eat, his body was covered in fleas and worms.

The vet checked and told us that he is anemic, and the fleas are nearly killing him, so they will inject him with glucose and antibiotic.

The kitten didn’t even have the power to against the injection. The vet used drugs to spray all over his body to kill the fleas.

We were afraid to approach him because we think we might cause him pain.

A few minutes later, we received bad news from the vet they told us the kitten’s chances are not good and his life was all in God’s hands.

We back home with a kitten and what we could do was wait for the next day to take him to another vet clinic.

We could feel all the pain in his voice when we got him into our hands! This kitten has been through so many things.

The kitten survived the night and he get little but better. We took him to the new vet and examined and tested him.

Unfortunately, the test result showed that he has Covid-19!!!

We fed him little by little of dose to make sure that he didn’t throw out.

He needs his eyes cleaned as well.

The next day, the woman asked for help with the kitten and take it to her home to continue the treatment.

We always pray that little warrior will be going through the infection.

He looked better today! We will fight with him til the end!

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