Don’t Leave This Poor Kitten, It’s Crying For Help!

When I’m ready to go to sleep, I got a message that someone broke this poor kitten’s both front legs, when I come to look at him, I’m speechless, he was in pain and crying from all the pain on his body!

And no one in the city care about him until I got a message!

I grabbed a box and take him to my house. I fed him some food and milk, but he even can’t use his front leg, I had to do this to him.

I named him Chester! Tomorrow I’ll take him to the vet clinic when they open up, we got to do an X-ray, I have no idea about all the pain he goes through in life. I know all the animals in this town depend on me or just a few people can help them.

After a few days of examination, the vet told us that Chester had sadly prognosis is not looking good at the moment, he even can’t use his legs which means that he can’t stand up by himself.

But soon later, Chester can lick the milk and slowly eat the food.

Chester still getting painkillers and antibiotics, the biggest goal help him get better!

We usually feeding then do some exercises for the back legs every day that the vet recommends to us. He had a lot of reasons to live.

After a few days of exercise, Chester still loves people so much even after all that he’s been through, no animals deserved the bad things from a human.!

Then nine months later, he now is moving fast and he’s in good recovery to walk again, Chester may lose his legs but with exercise and our love, he is back again.

Blessing you Chester!

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