I Wonder How This Kitten Miraculously Survived!

When we arrived, this kitten was fighting for her life, she looks weak, and I couldn’t see the wound around her body, her heart beating so fast, she was breathing rapidly and also couldn’t stand by herself.

We immediately took him to the vet and gave her pain relief medicine, the vet check her body and found no external wounds

And after the check-up, she already to be a little more alert! That’s bad.

She’s stressed and looks up to help from us. She just wants to hide in the corner of the cage when we feed him, then we give her time to heal herself. After her condition improved, she did an appetite!

She’s much stronger now but she’s still nervous. When her ears stood tall and her eyes opened, she seemed to ask “where am I”? her curiosity was a sign that her life force was not lost.

Then after her recovery, a kind family took care of her!

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