The Labrador Retriever is a medium-large breed of retriever-gun dog. Today, they are the most popular and favorite dog breed in the world. The Labrador Retriever is not only a great companion in families, they are also hard-working people in support and rescue work.
Below, we’ve compiled 10 pictures that show why we love the Labrador Retriever
#1 – Labrador Retrievers are always with us when we need it
#2 – Labrador Retriever often has cute actions
#3 – Labrador Retriever puppies easily steal your heart at first sight
#4 – Labrador Retriever is very friendly and loves children
#5 – Labrador Retriever loves water and is a good swimmer
#6 – Labrador Retriever is a cute dog with a sweet face
#7 – The Labrador Retriever loves to lie beside us and occasionally take our place
#8 – Labrador Retrievers can grow in size, but sometimes they still think they are puppies
#9 – Labrador Retriever is very affectionate and sweet
#10 – Labrador Retriever is very friendly and can make friends with cats
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