10 Pictures Of Cool Things From “I Did It For My Dog” Challenge

Dogs for many dog owners, they are not just pets, they are considered companions, family members. And these dog owners give their dogs unconditional love, they are willing to do so many things to make their dog happy. Here are 10 pictures of cool things from “i did it for my dog” challenge.

#1 – “Throwing in the coffin-shaped dog bed my mom and I made from scratch for my pup, Worms!”

#2 – “He liked laying on hard floors instead of the carpet or couch so much that he would rather sleep on our son’s play table. We made him his own floor.”

#3 – “I had my boyfriend cut a hole in my fence & put down a platform so my dog could still watch the kids play out front, see the other dogs walking by & get visits from his favorite mailman. It’s nothing fancy but Eddie loves it.??”

#4 – “We removed the pool and gave the doggie babies 2 activity centers ❤️?”

#5 – “My boys are getting a bit older and they don’t enjoy camping as much because of the cold, hard ground. The natural solution: buy a cargo van and convert it. Needless to say, they love it.”

#6 – “We changed our car to a 4Runner because of its rear window that rolls down. My husband also took out the back seat to make more room for our 2 Goldens Jake & Zoey. He made platform for storage, and we added a mattress topper and rug for ultimate comfort for our road trips . ? ?”

#7 – “My partner and I built this ramp for our full length set of stairs so our two poms Chewie and Yoda could get up and down with ease. Chewie had bilateral knee surgery a couple years ago and Yoda is terrified of going down stairs after falling down them as a puppy so this was the perfect solution ?”

#8 – “I did this for my puppy Loki, built him a custom made kennel for when im at work, otherwise hes an indoor dog, In summer it has a fan for cooling and in winter i have panels that will fill in the gaps to make it weather proof, and a camera so i can monitor from work, it cost me way too much but no regrets”

#9 – “My family and friends keep saying I should get married and have kids because I keep spoiling and spending money for my dogs. And i keep saying, Uhm, excuse me, they’re not just dogs. They’re my kids ? ? Yup, crazy dog mama here ??‍♀️”

#10 – “My parents dog Fiona likes to stick her head in between the rungs of the porch, so naturally when they redid the porch, they had the contractor add a special little touch for her! ?”

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