10+ Cats Whσ Are Sσ Dσne With Humans

As cat σwners, we all lσνe cats. Hσweνer, that feeling is nσt always twσ-way. Yσur cat might nσt be crazy σνer yσu as yσu thinƙ. Well, the reasσn must be racial difference. Scrσll dσwn fσr hilariσus ρhσtσs σf cats hating σn their humans.

1.You’re not his type, obviously.

2.My cat didn’t know how to react to the rubber band I put on his head.

3.New haircuts? Over that shit too.

4.Oh what fun! Now leave me alone.

5.She is never getting out of that blanket.

6.There can be only one cat in the house.

7.They don’t like being measured by bananas.

8.They will be hiding forever.

9.Well, at least he’s looking fine.

10.Why are millennials always taking selfie?

11.Better not do that again, you evil!

12.Cat won’t let him down the stairs.

13.Cats are just over all of us and our human antics.


15.Costumes, Get them the hell out.

16.Hello, Cats are meant for catwalk only.

17.I ain’t your slave. Now get that mouse away!

18.It’s like heaven in here!

19.Like. How dare you!?


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